Nietzsche e Foucault

Sobre o problema da verdade cínica




Parresía, Truth, Cynicism, Courage, Nihilism


In this article we will investigate Foucault's and Nietzsche’s return to ancient cynicism, starting from the problem of truth. Foucault values above all the parresía, the courage of truth of the cynics, by showing the strong relationship between the style of existence and the manifestation of truth. We question Foucault’s overestimation of the manifestation of truth in the Cynics, because in the Cynics’ scandalous way of life, truths are not properly revealed. In this sense, Nietzsche’s understanding of the cynics helps us to problematize cynical truth, as we question whether the cynics’ art of unmasking operates on the terrain of nihilism, the devaluation of truth and traditional values.


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