A socio-semiotics analysis of Hogwarts Legacy

investigation of semiotic resources and systems to promote Multimodal Literacy in games


  • Anderson Linck Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




Digital Games Analysis; Sociosemiotics; Multimodality; Language Teaching; Literacy.


Digital Games have gained space in the contemporary educational and cultural context, due to their social impact as a digital artifact, having increasingly incorporated semiotic resources into their mechanics and gameplay system, contributing significantly to promoting language teaching and learning processes, by making its use in socio-discursive practices that allow the learner to experience new knowledge, through different semiotic and multimodal systems in the construction of meanings. This study presents an analysis of the digital game Hogwarts Legacy, based on a multimodal sociosemiotic approach, focusing on the analytical dimensions and metafunctions investigated by Visual Design Grammar (Kress, Van Leeuwen, 2021), as well as the analytical dimensions proposed by the framework developed by Pérez-Latorre, Oliva and Besalú (2017). These authors propose a theoretical-analytical model of digital game design consisting of three dimensions such as the ludo-narrative, the producer-player, and the gameplay system. Thus, we analyzed the ludo-narrative dimensions and the gameplay system of the selected game, by considering its contextual and multimodal composition from the selected corpus, focusing on the investigation of linguistic aspects constituted by the relationship established between the modes and the different semiotic resources. and their possible meanings. The results indicate that the categories proposed by Pérez-Latorre, Oliva, and Besalú, (2017). corroborated the process of analysis and interpretation of the identified stages that constitute digital games and their semiotic aspects as a system of genres full of different uses of language to produce meanings, which allow the insertion of the student-player in different socio-discursive practices, as well as allowing the promotion of different literacies, including critical, multimodal and games, through immersion and insertion in the student-player in the act of playing and solving the proposed challenges.


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