A moralidade individual como um tipo de perfeccionismo em sentido amplo
This article is intended to analyze what Nietzsche eventually calls an individual morality and will be focused on his middle period writings. My hypothesis is that this individual morality can be described as a kind of perfectionism understood in broad sense. This is a broad sense perfectionism insofar as it is not grounded in a clear definition of human nature, which will be theoretically available only after Nietzsche`s introducing the will to power principle. As a broad sense perfectionist, Nietzsche considers as good a certain self-affirmative attitude of the individual in relation to himself and which is carried out in the most excellent way when performed by the so-called free spirit, a type characterized by a certain hierarchical structure of impulses and affects. To advance my argument, I will resort to a correlation between negative and positive aspects of Nietzsche's critique of altruism and, consequently, his defense of egoism.
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