Nos arquivos de Foucault

Sobre a gênese de “Nietzsche, a genealogia, a história”




Origin, Provenance, Emergence, History


The aim of this article is to present the results of research carried out in the Archives of Michel Foucault, deposited at the National Library of France, in particular with regard to the preparatory notes to the article “Nietzsche, genealogy and history”, published in 1971, in honor of Jean Hyppolite, who had died two years earlier. Paying attention to this material is important as it sheds light on the way Foucault worked and on how he interprets Nietzsche's thought from the 1960s onwards. I seek to show, finally, how the philological exercise carried out by Foucault makes possible a very fruitful access to Nietzsche's thought, beyond readings that favor questioning the accuracy of Foucault's interpretation.


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