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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal;
  • All authors of the article actively participated in the research
  • Articles have references and indications of funding
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format
  • URLs for references were provided when possible
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • All indications from the authors, including internal ones, were removed, ensuring double blind peer review

Author Guidelines

Articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish are accepted. Authors should indicate the most appropriate section for their article. In addition to the title, abstract and keywords, in the writing language of the article, authors must register in the text of the article the versions of these items in Portuguese or English or Spanish, as the case may be. That is, titles, abstracts and keywords must be bilingual.

The texts should be typed with the following configuration: minimum of 10 and maximum of 25 pages typed, Arial font, size 12, line spacing 1.5. Margins: 3 cm. Literal citation of texts by other authors longer than three lines must appear as a separated paragraph from the text, composing a paragraph with 4 cm right indent, in Arial font, size 11.

The authors' quotes in the text, as well as the references at the end of the article, should follow ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) standards. If in doubt, authors should consult articles published in the most recent issues of the journal. Evidence of accepted papers will be sent to authors for verification.

If you please, there is a template.

It is necessary to remove from the sent article the name or any reference that indicates the authors, including the "properties of the document".

When submitting the article, all authors assume that:

  • All authors of the article actively participated in the research;
  • All articles will be submitted to a double blind peer review process;
  • All articles must have references and indications of funding;
  • Articles must be unpublished, that is, they cannot have been published in other journals;
  • The authors are committed to recanting and correcting any errors.


Thematic Dossier

Kiri-kerê journal publishes, from its third year, thematic dossiers organized by researchers with remarkable knowledge in the educational field invited by the editorial team of the journal. Submissions should be made in the dossier section.

Experience reports

The objective of this session is socialize experiences in teaching without a deep academic analysis although the existence of theoretical assumptions is assumed.

Dossiê Temático: Currículo, Culturas e Conhecimentos Científicos Africanos e de seus Afrodiaspóricos no ensino na Educação Básica

Dossiê Temático: Currículo, Culturas e Conhecimentos Científicos Africanos e de seus Afrodiaspóricos no ensino na Educação Básica

Submissões a partir de 25 de setembro até 27 de novembro de 2023.

Neste ano de 2023, a importante Lei n.° 10.639/2003 completa 20 anos e, sua temática foi incorporada no currículo escolar em todas disciplinas da Educação Básica. Esse importante avanço legal e conquista do Movimento Negro no Brasil tem contribuído mesmo que aquém do esperado para provocar na escola a necessidade de incluir no currículo a “História da África e dos Africanos, a luta dos negros no Brasil, a cultura negra brasileira e o negro na formação da sociedade nacional, resgatando a contribuição do povo negro nas áreas social, econômica e política pertinentes à História do Brasil.

O presente Dossiê temático, visa recepcionar artigos e relatos de experiência acerca da temática para aumentar o quantitativo de produções científicas nas quatro áreas de conhecimento da Educação Básica.


Prof. Dr. Carlos Luis Pereira (UFES-ES, UNEB-BA)

Prof. Dr. Gilmene Bianco (UFES-ES)

Prof. Dr. Marcos Góes Oliveira -SEDU-ES

Prof. Dr. Clovis Lisbôa dos Santos Júnior - Uneb-Ba

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