Staying, moving around and enjoying: gender and sociability in a small public space in the southern zone of Rio de Janeiro city


  • Igor Campos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



gender, public space, sociability


This work aims to analyze how gender differences are built in the spatial forms of public sociability at night. São Salvador Square, located in the southern zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, was selected as the case study in view of its effervescent nightlife and the occurrence of events that raised discussions on gender issues. This article is the product of a three-year research conducted during the undergraduate course in Geography. As a result, we identified the existence of different patterns of permanence and displacement that constitutes the social encounter of men and women in the public space. Finally, it was recognized the potentiality of situations of public sociability as space-time frames to understand the construction of gender social roles in daily practices.


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Author Biography

Igor Campos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Estudante de mestrado em Gestão e Organização do Território pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGG - UFRJ). Graduado em Licenciatura em Geografia pela mesma instituição. Atualmente é integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Território e Cidadania (UFRJ), coordenado pelos professores Paulo Cesar da Costa Gomes e Leticia Parente Ribeiro. Tem interesse nas áreas de espaços públicos, sociabilidade, vida cotidiana e geografia e gênero. Trabalha como professor de geografia no ensino básico em escolas particulares na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e na rede municipal de ensino de Rio das Ostras (RJ)


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, Igor. Staying, moving around and enjoying: gender and sociability in a small public space in the southern zone of Rio de Janeiro city. Geografares, Vitória, Brasil, n. 30, p. 176–203, 2020. DOI: 10.7147/GEO30.28585. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.