The challenges of educational activities developed in the hospital scenario




Education, National Policy of Permanent Education, Hospital


Introduction: The health system in our country is considered a victory of the Health Reform Movement and, since its regulation, actions have been taken towards the improvement of professionals for the new system. Consistent with its principles and guidelines, the so-called Permanent Education aims to consolidate the idea of care networks, articulating services at all levels. Thus, in 2004, the National Policy on Continuing Education (PNEP) was launched, with great capillarity, especially in primary care services. To verify this imperative, we carried out qualitative research that aimed to analyze the Education in Service developed in three hospitals in a metropolitan region. Methods: Study with a qualitative approach to know the subject’s social experience, that is, the experiences of health professionals responsible for carrying out educational activities in a hospital environment. The data were collected from collective interviews, and, through the analysis of its content, the results of this research were extracted. Results: It was obtained as a result the description of the activities carried out, the identification of the teaching methodologies used and the difficulties found in the implementa­tion and execution of the education programs of these establishments were verified. Conclusion: Educational activities are essential for the improvement of activities in hospital institutions and we emphasize that they occur based on Continuing Education, which seeks to offer training for a better performance of activities, in light of technological innovations, differently from what Permanent Education proposes, which aims at the production of protagonism by the workers.


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Author Biography


Graduated in Psychology from the State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1982), with a Master's degree in Psychology (Social Psychology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1991) and phD in Psychology from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2005). She was a professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, between 1993 and 2015, working in the Undergraduate Course in Psychology and in the Graduate Programs in Institutional Psychology (2007-2010) and Collective Health (2006-2019), as a volunteer professor. He has experience in health, working mainly on the following topics: subjectivity, health and work, health service management and health promotion and social participation. He did a postdoctoral internship at the Institute of Social Medicinal products of UERJ during 2012, with the tutoring of Dr. Ruben Mattos. He has guided more than 60 master's and doctoral dissertations and participated in hundreds of evaluation stalls. He is currently professor of the permanent staff of the Graduate Program in Public Policy of the School of Sciences of santa casa de misericórdia de Vitória - partial regime


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How to Cite

Sarti Sessa, K., & Dalbello-Araujo, M. (2023). The challenges of educational activities developed in the hospital scenario. Brazilian Journal of Health Research, 25(2), 80–91.



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