Epidemiological characteristics of maternal mortality in Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2008 to 2019
Mortalidad Materna, Cause of Death, Health Information Systems, Women's HealthAbstract
Introduction: Maternal mortality is a serious public health problem and a preventable event in the great majority of cases. Objectives: To describe epidemiological characteristics and the main causes of maternal deaths in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the period 2008-2019. Methods: Ecological study using the Mortality Information System. The maternal mortality ratio was estimated by trienniums and by health macro-region through the number of maternal deaths/number of live births X 100 thousand. Sociodemographic variables were analyzed (age group, race/color, education and marital status), deaths by type of obstetric cause and the main causes by group and category. Results: There were 1,333 deaths with disparity in the maternal mortality ratios of the macro-regions. The Northeast was above the state average in all three years. The East presented an alarming value in the last triennium. Deaths predominated in women aged 30 to 39 years, of mixed race, with 8 to 11 years of schooling and single marital status. Maternal mortality ratios were higher in widowed women, in advanced age groups, and in indigenous and black women. The most frequent causes were preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion: The challenge remains to reduce the levels of maternal mortality in the state, especially in macroregions where the values were more worrying. Measures must be directed to the most vulnerable groups. More intense strategic actions are needed to confront maternal mortality.
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