Evaluation of the health impacts of fishing communities near the Doce River, in Espírito Santo state, Brazil
Fishing, Health, Quality of Life, Vulnerability to DisastersAbstract
Introduction: Along the Doce River, there are communities that survive on natural resources. It is understood that any impact along the river has consequences for these communities due to their dependence on these resources. Objectives: This study aims to identify some of the consequences generated by the rupture of the Fundão dam in 2015, highlighting the vulnerabilities experienced by the riverside population and whether there have been changes related to the health of this population. Methods: Primary and secondary data were utilized. Primary data were collected in the municipalities of Espírito Santo, along the Doce River, through semi-structured questionnaires administered to fishing communities, aiming to characterize the socioeconomic profile and understand some of the impacts. Secondary data were extracted from DataSUS and the Cancer Mortality Atlas of the National Cancer Institute, to assess the relationship between the Fundão disaster and diseases in the population. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyze the results. Results: Pre-existing vulnerabilities were identified, such as a low percentage of sewage collection, as well as difficulties faced after the dam rupture, such as rejection of fish by the population, which led to over half of the respondents abandoning fishing activities and a reduction in income. An increase in respiratory, dermatological, digestive, and emotional diseases was observed, along with a lack of access to healthcare facilities. Conclusion: The study showed an increase in vulnerability following the dam rupture, highlighting the need for further research in the field of health, given the increase in certain diseases after 2015.
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