Experience of an elderly man with lung cancer in palliative care: a case study





Palliative care, Oncology, Life-changing events


Introduction: Population aging and changes in lifestyle affect the morbidity and mortality profile, increasing the need for curative treatment. Lung cancer is prevalent, with a low survival rate, highlighting the importance of palliative care to improve quality of life and face challenges in public health and oncological care. Objective: To understand the experience of patients with lung cancer during palliative care. Methods: The study is explor­atory and qualitative. Using semi-structured interviews and content analysis. The interviewed patient started treatment 1 year and a half ago, being referred for palliative care. The study was conducted in Botucatu/SP, with a case study research method. The theoretical framework encompasses the Kübler-Ross theory of mourning and the SUS National Humanization Plan. Results: The study revealed three central categories: family, spiri­tuality and palliative care team, essential for the re-signification of the lived experience and acceptance of the situation. The patient valued family support and hope in overcoming the disease, while spirituality provided comfort and meaning. The tranquility in the face of the impossibility of cure highlighted the crucial role of the palliative care team, which welcomed him with humanization. Conclusion: This study highlights the impact of experiences lived by cancer patients in palliative care, emphasizing the crucial role of the family, the relevance of spirituality and the importance of the care team. It is necessary to develop education strategies for the population and health professionals about the importance of palliative care and death, promoting solid research to improve this type of care and adequately meet the needs of patients.


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How to Cite

de Matos Fagali Polito Y, Correa Barbosa G, Cristina de Campos E. Experience of an elderly man with lung cancer in palliative care: a case study. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];25(4):49-57. Available from: https://periodicos.ufes.br/rbps/article/view/40600



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