Intestinal obstruction by a foreign body simulating colorectal neoplasia: report of complicated diverticulitis in a reference hospital in the acute abdomen, Brazil


  • Alberto Henrique de Jesus Brito
  • Arthur Carvalho Silva
  • Waleria Gramilich Baratella
  • Julia Dela Fuente da Fonseca
  • Pedro Diego Saquetto
  • Matheus de Backer
  • Juliana Suarez Wolf



Diverticulitis, diverticular disease of the colon, acute abdomen, intestinal obstruction


Introduction: The patient with an acute abdomen is one of the biggest diagnostic challenges in emer­gency services, both in terms of the degree of suspicion and the urgency of their treatment, with an estimate of 7-10% of annual visits to emergency departments. Among the most diverse causes, didactically we can divide according to 4 major areas, inflammatory, obstructive, ischemic, infec­tious, or a mix of them, making research difficult. Case report: This case report aims to shed light on the differential diagnoses for acute inflammatory/obstructive abdomen, acute diverticulitis, frequent morbidity in patients over 50 years of age, and which may hide an underlying colorectal neoplasia. In the case analysis, risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis, classification and treatment are discussed, which are increasingly well defined and which, in case of suspicion, help in early management and favorable outcome.


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How to Cite

de Jesus Brito AH, Carvalho Silva A, Gramilich Baratella W, Dela Fuente da Fonseca J, Diego Saquetto P, de Backer M, et al. Intestinal obstruction by a foreign body simulating colorectal neoplasia: report of complicated diverticulitis in a reference hospital in the acute abdomen, Brazil. RBPS [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 24 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];25(supl_2):48-52. Available from:



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