The agapic nature of pragmatic conduct

science as an ethical search for truth


  • Renan Henrique Baggio Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP; Centro de Estudos de Pragmatismo - CEP/PUC-SP



agapism, belief, science, scientific denialism, truth


The present work aims to understand the role of Peirce's pragmatism as an ethical face of scientific investigation and as an instantiation of the evolutionary law of creative love, or Agapism. In the midst of the contemporary informational scenario in which networks become platforms for the transmission of beliefs by contagion, distrust in the scientific method intensifies and promotes denialist attitudes, as well as the consequent contempt for the otherness of facts. In this context, it is possible to question Is the scientific method subject to the communicational dynamics of our time? That is, will its products be, in some way, influenced by misinformation? As theoretical support for the analysis of this scenario, we invoke the agapic evolutionary principle defended by Peirce in his essay Evolutionary love, according to which the entire cosmos evolves, in search of harmony as a unifying ideal. This evolutionary principle, as a general law, is presented through its instantiation, which we deem to be configured in pragmatic conduct. From the point of view of pragmatism, to the extent that it takes the alterity of reality as a corrective guide to conduct, the course of history should, despite the high conflicting costs and its own retardation, demobilize the contempt for science and the irresponsible use of platforms communications, making the novelties resulting from our time to be incorporated more and more in the structure of our habits at the same time that they promote changes in us.


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How to Cite

Baggio, R. H. (2023). The agapic nature of pragmatic conduct: science as an ethical search for truth. Sofia , 12(2), e12241442.