Gig Economy, Austerity and “Uberization” of Labor in Brazil (2014 – 2019)




This article aims to understand the exponential growth of the “Uberization” of labor in Brazil by analyzing the economic crisis and the austerity program that started in 2014. The emergence of the gig economy and the “Uberization” of labor is a global trend, and Brazil has experienced the exponential growth of these types of labor relations in recent years. Millions of Brazilian workers now rely exclusively on digital platforms for their income, without any labor protections. We argue that Marx’s Capital provides a rigorous starting point for understanding this process and its consequences for workers. However, it is only possible to understand the current rise of this process in light of Brazil’s economic crisis and the austerity program that responded to it. The attacks on labor by capital in response to the profitability crisis penalized the working class and prompted the rapid growth of the “Uberization” of labor in Brazil, providing an alternative form of capital accumulation.

Keywords: Gig Economy; Austerity; Uberization of labor.


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Biografia do Autor

Guilherme Nunes Pires, Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC

Doutorando em Ciências Humanas e Sociais pela Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo, Brasil. Mestre em Economia e Desenvolvimento. 

José Paulo Guedes Pinto, Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC

Pós-doutor na London School of Economics and Political Science (Londres). Bacharel, mestre e doutor em economia (USP/UFRGS/USP). Professor Adjunto III na Universidade Federal do ABC.




Como Citar

Nunes Pires, G., & Guedes Pinto, J. P. (2020). Gig Economy, Austerity and “Uberization” of Labor in Brazil (2014 – 2019). Argumentum, 12(3), 237–255.