The March of the Old New: on the determinations of fascism yesterday and today


  • Eduardo Mara Centro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco (UNINABUCO)



He term neofascism has been used to classify both the Bolsonaro government and current reactionary thinking. This article proposes to rescue the theoretical debate among Marxists about fascism as a way of extracting general criteria of interpretation relevant to the present. We present the reader with three theses in relation to historical fascism: fascism precedes a particular crisis of hegemony in bourgeois society; fascism is characterized by having a mass base constituted, fundamentally, by the petty bourgeoisie; fascism serves the interests of big monopoly capital.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Mara, Centro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco (UNINABUCO)

Cientista Social. Mestre em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Doutor em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Docente do curso de Serviço Social do Centro Universitário Joaquim Nabuco (UNINABUCO).



How to Cite

Mara, E. (2021). The March of the Old New: on the determinations of fascism yesterday and today. Argumentum, 13(2), 51–63.