The work of associated scavengers: imbrication between precariousness and self-management


  • Diego de Oliveira Souza Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Ingrid Louise Vieira Vera Cruz Curso grau técnico
  • Lucas Barros dos Santos Prefeitura municipal de Santa do Ipanema/AL



The object of this research is the work of scavengers, especially in their recent collective form, through associations, and what determines the effectiveness of their self-management and the transformation of living and working conditions. It analyzes the opportunities and limits of the work of associated scavengers. In the first part, we carry out a theoretical study, and present the foundations that support the Marxist critique of the current form of associated work, one example of which is the scavengers’ associations. In the second part, we analyze empirical data regarding an association. We carry out the triangulation of three stages of data collection from the association: interviews, focus group and report of extension activities. We found that waste picking activities were an alternative to unemployment and that, although it produced contingencies for survival, it developed imbricated with precariousness.



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How to Cite

Souza, D. de O., Vera Cruz, I. L. V., & Santos, L. B. dos . (2022). The work of associated scavengers: imbrication between precariousness and self-management. Argumentum, 14(1), 180–193.