Warm inflation





cosmology, primordial universe, warm inflation


The original ideia of inflation, also known as cold
inflation, arised to solve a number of problems associated with the
Big Bang model. Warm inflation is a reformulation of the
inflationary dynamics such as to make a more precise bridge with
possible microscopic models that can be able to lead to such
dynamics and which is believed to have happened in the primordial
Universe. The connections with the physics of quantum field theory,
statistical mechanics and thermodynamics become more transparent in
warm inflation, which makes it a more appropriate formulation when
we want to compare its results and predictions with the
observational data. In this article, I review the motivations behind
the idea of warm inflation, its origin from first principles and how
it can provide a description which is more consistent, both from a
theoretical and observational point of views, than cold inflation
can give.


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How to Cite

R. Ramos, “Warm inflation”, Cad. Astro., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 32–38, Sep. 2023.



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