The great deabte on the structure of the Universe


  • Júlio C. Fabris Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Felipe T. Falciano Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas



galaxy, cosmology, great debate, island universes


In 1920, the National Academy of Sciences organized a debate between Heber Curtis and Halow Shapley on the scale of the Universe. There were several issues at stake, but two central issues stood out: the size of the Milky Way and whether or not the spirals nebulae were galaxies outside the Milky Way. This episode became known as the great debate and was recorded in two publications in 1921 in the Bulletin of the National Research Council. In addition to its historical importance, the great debate shows the details of the construction of our knowledge of the Universe.


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[1] H. Shapley e H. D. Curtis, The scale of the universe, Bulletin of the National Research Council 2(11), 171 (1921). Disponível em scaleofuniverse00shap/page/172/mode/ 2up, acesso em mar. 2024.

[2] C. A. Whitney, The Discovery of Our Galaxy (Random House Inc, New York, 1971).

[3] R. Berendzen, R. Hart e D. Seeley, Man Discovers the Galaxies (Columbia University Press, New York, 1984). DOI:

[4] V. Trimble, The 1920 Shapley-Curtis Discussion: Background, Issues, and Aftermath, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 107, 1133 (1995). DOI:

[5] L. Belkora, Minding the Heavens: the story of our discovery of the Milky Way (Institute of Physics Publishing, London, 2003).

[6] H. Shapley, Through rugged ways to the stars (New York, 1969).

[7] I. Kant, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (Harald Fischer Verlag Gmb, 1755), versão em inglês: Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant: Natural Science (Cambridge University Press, 2015).



How to Cite

J. C. Fabris and F. T. Falciano, “The great deabte on the structure of the Universe”, Cad. Astro., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 199–230, Mar. 2024.



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