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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The images inserted in the document have objective descriptions and functions in their captions.

Author Guidelines


  • For the submission of works in any section, the use of the template document is mandatory.

  • Do not write titles with all capital letters.

  • Inclusion of the ORCID ID or link to the Lattes curriculum is mandatory in the field indicated as URL on the form.

  • The inclusion of a description for each image included in the work is mandatory.

  • Delete the names of the authors from the document before submitting.

Please read carefully all the points in the guidelines before starting to fill out your five submission steps. Inadequacy to any of the items below, present in the submitted document and/or in the submission form, will result in the rejection of the material.

Submissions from undergraduate and graduate students, master's and doctoral professors, independent researchers, and artists are accepted.

The Colóquio Journal accepts proposals in five modalities: (i) article, (ii) experience report, (iii) visual essay, (iv) review, (v) translation.

Proposals can be originally composed in the following languages: (i) Portuguese, (ii) Spanish, (iii) French, or (iv) English. In the case of works in English or Spanish, the Colóquio Journal may publish both the original and the Portuguese translation.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to redefine the section of submissions. Proposals submitted for the next issue of the journal that are not accepted will be archived for possible future publications, with the agreement of the authors.

Submission of one proposal for each modality per submitting person is allowed.

Submissions for more than one modality with the same title or content will not be accepted.

Authors of submitted works cannot be identified in the body of the text, in compliance with the adopted blind evaluation requirement. Notes and citations that may refer to the identity of the authors should be excluded from the text.

Submitted proposals must follow the rules for each category, as listed below:


The article should be composed in Times New Roman, 12, and should contain:

Title in bold, centered; Title in English in the same format; abstract in up to 10 lines, justified, and with single spacing, followed by up to 5 keywords; abstract, in the same format as the abstract, in italics, followed by up to 5 keywords, in italics; justified body text, with 1.5 line spacing and paragraph at 0 pt;

Page breaks or section breaks should not be inserted;

Footnotes should be in font size 9, single-spaced, left-aligned, and numbered with Arabic characters;

Figures should be placed in the body of the text, in jpg format, at 300 dpi, with a smaller side of up to 10 cm; they must be accompanied by technical specifications (title, author, year, and source) and numbered (figure 01, figure 02…);

For screen reader accessibility, each image caption must contain an objective and functional description of the figure.

The page should have margins of 2 cm at the bottom and right and 3 cm at the top and left;

References must follow the latest ABNT standard;

Only foreign terms should be marked in italics;

Only subchapter and article titles must be marked in bold;

The article must be between 10 and 15 pages from the title to the last reference;

Experience Report

The experience report must follow the same specifications as the Article, but is limited to 10 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographic references (if presented, they must follow ABNT standards);

Visual Essay

The Visual Essay must contain: Title in bold, centered; presentation of the proposal in up to 1000 words, justified; content of up to 12 images;

It must be sent in doc or docx format, A4, with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm;

All text must be in Times New Roman, 12, spacing 1.5, paragraph at 0 pt;

Images should be in jpg format, at 300dpi, obeying the size limit of the margins;

The measurements of the images may be altered in the layout process for publication;

Images must also be attached as supplementary documents, separate from the text file;


The review must follow the same specifications as the articles, but is limited to 5 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographic references beyond the reviewed book (if presented, they must follow ABNT standards);

Only reviews of books published up to four years before the submission of the work will be accepted.


The translation must follow the same specifications as the articles but is limited to 5 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographic references beyond the translated text (if presented, they must follow ABNT standards); Only reviews of books published up to four years before the submission of the work will be accepted. It is emphasized that, for the publication of translations, it is necessary for the translator to present authorization from the vehicle that published the original text and/or from the author.


The use of the template document is mandatory for submissions in any section.


Submissions of proposals from undergraduate and postgraduate students, master's and doctoral professors, independent researchers and artists will be accepted. Proposals can be originally composed in the following languages: (i) Portuguese, (ii) Spanish, (iii) French or (iv) English. In the case of works in English or Spanish, Revista do Colóquio may publish both the original and the translation into Portuguese. The authors of the submitted works cannot be identified in the body of the text, in compliance with the blind evaluation requirement adopted. Notes and quotations that may refer to the identity of the authors must be excluded from the text. The article must be between 10 and 15 pages from title to last reference and comply with the journal's other submission rules.

Experience Report

The Experience Report must follow the same specifications as the Article, however, it is limited to 10 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographical references (if presented, these must follow ABNT standards). An Experience Report is understood as the presentation of theoretical, poetic and educational research processes.

Visual essays

Visual essays must present the set of images understood as the result of poetic research, that is, as a work. In this sense, they differ from the simple recording of others by other artists. The presentation text, which must precede the set of images, functions as a kind of descriptive memorial of the essay. In other words, the text that accompanies the essay, as well as the visual essay itself, can be multiple authored, as it must be about the work presented in the set of images.


The review must follow the same specifications as the articles, however, it is limited to 5 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographical references beyond the book reviewed (if presented, these must follow ABNT standards) ;

Only reviews of books published up to four years before submission of the work will be accepted.


The translation must follow the same specifications as the articles, however, it is limited to 5 pages from the title to the last word of the text and does not require bibliographical references beyond the translated text (if presented, these must follow ABNT standards) ;

Only reviews of books published up to four years before submission of the work will be accepted.

It should be noted that, to publish translations, it is necessary for the translating person to present authorization from the vehicle that published the original text and/or the author.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.