The changing character of the work of art

the mona lisa from the perspective of historicism



historicismo, Mona Lisa, obra de arte, releitura


In this article we intend to explore ideas concerning historicism, an important concept for understanding historical facts from the philosophy of history. Historicism is made up of a set of doctrines that is not limited to a ready-made definition. There are many ways to understand these doctrines. To understand this historical perspective, we adopted the method of artistic interpretation, starting from the analysis of Mona Lisa (1503), by Leonardo da Vinci and reinterpretations produced by modern and contemporary artists inspired by the aforementioned work. With this article, we aim to investigate the changing character of the work of art from the perspective of historicism. As the work of art is an open circuit, it is subject to resignifications at each historical moment. In this sense, historicism, a philosophical doctrine, can contribute to understanding the meanings of a work of art over time.


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Author Biography

Roney Jesus Ribeiro, UFES

PhD student in History (area of Social and Political History) and Master in Arts (area of Theory, Criticism and History of Art), both from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes). Degree in Literature, History and Visual Arts. He is part of the research groups “Theory and History of Modern and Contemporary Art” and “Criticism and Aesthetic Experience”, linked to PPGA / Ufes. Scholarship from the Espírito Santo State Research Support Foundation (FAPES).


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, R. J. (2023). The changing character of the work of art: the mona lisa from the perspective of historicism. Revista Do Colóquio, 13(22), 97–114. Retrieved from