Terra Territory

Reports on Collaboration Processes in Latin America


  • Dália Rosenthal Universidade de São Paulo


arte, processos colaborativos, américa do sul


This article presents a reflective report on four series of works, “Diário de um Desaparecido”, “Chispa”, “Oro Sucio” and “Otros Territorios”, carried out between 2017 and 2019. The series act as a group of processes of creation and collaboration developed in artistic residencies and exhibitions in the territorial contexts of the Colombian Caribbean, northeastern Brazil and southern Cuba. This is a set of artistic works that brings, as its main element, the confrontation between perceptions about the territory and the land, mediated by the body and the landscape, through an equally dialogical perspective between culture and nature in contemporary times.


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Author Biography

Dália Rosenthal, Universidade de São Paulo

Dália Rosenthal is a researcher, visual artist and professor at the Department of Plastic Arts (CAP) at the School of Communication and Arts (ECA) at the University of São Paulo (USP). As a researcher and teacher, she develops studies on social plastics and transdisciplinarity with an emphasis on the relationships between visual arts, education and collaborative practices for teacher training. She coordinates the research projects "Transdisciplinarity, Training and Art" and "Ateliê Didactic-Pedagogical Laboratory for Teaching and Learning Visual Arts for the Community". She coordinates extension, teaching and learning art courses for children and teenagers (CAP / ECA / USP). Researcher at the Postgraduate Program at the University of São Paulo. As a visual artist, she dedicates herself to investigating art, memory and territories using different languages such as photographs, videos, drawings, paintings and relational actions. His projects in recent years focus on investigating historical processes experienced in Brazil and other Latin American countries and developments in contemporary times. Graduated in Visual Arts, Master and Doctor in Arts from UNICAMP with the dissertation "The material element in the work of Joseph Beuys" and the thesis "On the inside in time".


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How to Cite

Rosenthal, D. (2023). Terra Territory: Reports on Collaboration Processes in Latin America. Revista Do Colóquio, 13(22), 11–30. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufes.br/colartes/article/view/43040