Images between life and death

reflections from "Resurrection" (1987), by Arthur Omar




cinema experimental, fotografia, morte


This work proposes to analyze how the short film “Ressurreição” (1987), by Arthur Omar, relates to death, through the photographic device. In modernity, the advent of photography suggests new connections between the production of images and death. Is it within this theoretical spectrum, which goes from Walter Benjamin to Roland Barthes, meeting Georges Didi-Huberman, Susan Sontag and Douglas Crimp along the way, that this work will focus on understanding how Arthur Omar and his mortuary photographs deal with death itself? What is the role of the photographic device itself in the relationship proposed here?


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Author Biography

Frederico Franco, UNESPAR

Master's student of the Postgraduate Academic Master's Program in Cinema and Video Arts (PPG-CINEAV) at the State University of Paraná (Unespar), campus of Curitiba II/Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (FAP), linked to the line research (1) Theories and Discourses in Cinema and Video Arts. Member of the Navis research group (Unespar/FAP/CNPq). Graduated in Audiovisual Production from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos). The current research focuses on the aesthetic-political relations between experimental cinema and visual arts in Brazil throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Film critic for the Plano Crítica portal since 2020.


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How to Cite

Franco, F. (2024). Images between life and death: reflections from "Resurrection" (1987), by Arthur Omar. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 80–97.


