“Punk rock is also for fagots”

punk aesthetics in Bruce Labruce’s queer cinema





Punk, Queer, Bruce LaBruce, Post-Pornography, Queercore


This work aims to draw parallels between the visual construction of queer cinema and punk aesthetics, seeking to understand the aspects that construct the visual issue of the film “Raspberry Reich” (Bruce LaBruce, 2004), which is part of the queercore movement, founded by himself LaBruce.


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Author Biography

Vinícius Antônio Batista Reis, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Student of the Cinema and Audiovisual Course at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, I maintain a special interest in punk and horror cinema and everything in between.


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ROCKY horror picture show. Direção: Jim Sharman. Inglaterra: Michael White Productions, 1975. 1 DVD.

SEBASTIANE. Direção: Derek Jarman, Paul Humfress. Inglaterra: Cinegate, 1976. 1 DVD.

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MAGNICÍDIO. Direção: Derek Jarman. Inglaterra: Cinegate, 1978. 1 DVD.

NO skin off my ass. Direção: Bruce LaBruce. Canadá: Strand Releasing, 1991. 1 DVD.

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How to Cite

Reis, V. A. B. (2024). “Punk rock is also for fagots”: punk aesthetics in Bruce Labruce’s queer cinema. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 113–125. https://doi.org/10.47456/col.v14i23.44468


