Art and life

the nineties in Buenos Aires




argentinian contemporary art, micropolitics, hiv/aids


Through a series of discussions, articles of art, and cultural experiences that took place in Buenos Aires during the 1990s, this article focuses on the aesthetic and micropolitical relationships that highlight the emergence of HIV/AIDS. It centers on the development of the Visual Arts Gallery at the Centro Cultural Rojas and the different forms of survival and resistance generated around the epidemic.


Article originally published as LEMUS, F.. Arte y vida. Los años noventa en Buenos Aires. Heterotopías, n. 4, v. 7, 30 jun. 2021, pp. 1–25. Disponível em:


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Author Biographies


Head of the Curatorship Department at the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires. Art historian from the National University of La Plata, Master's in Visual Arts Curatorship from the National University of Tres de Febrero, and Ph.D. in Comparative Art Theory from the same university, with the thesis entitled "Guarangos and Dreamers. The Rojas Gallery in the Nineties." With a postdoctoral scholarship from CONICET, he investigated artistic and political responses to HIV/AIDS in post-dictatorship Argentina. He is a professor in the Department of Historical and Social Studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UNLP and the Master's in Gender Studies and Policies at the UNTREF. He has curated exhibitions in institutions and art museums across the country, including "Luminous Tactics" (Fortabat Collection, 2019), "Out of Series" (MALBA, 2021), and "Art is a Mystery. The 90s in Buenos Aires" (Fortabat Collection, 2022). He compiled the book "Seropositive Images. Artistic Practices and Narratives on HIV in the 80s and 90s" (EDULP, 2021). Recently, he published the book "Survival. Art, Micropolitics, and Post-Dictatorship in Buenos Aires" (Foro del Sur Foundation, Buenos Aires, 2022). As part of the "A Day on Earth" exhibition program (2022) at the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, he was part of the curatorial team that developed the exhibitions "Abstract Life" and "Contact Bodies."

Rodrigo Hipólito, LabArtes/DepCom/PPGA-UFES/FAPES

PhD candidate in Art and Culture in the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PPGA-UFES), Master's in Theory and History of Art (PPGA-UFES), and Bachelor in Visual Arts from the same institution. He was a professor in the Department of Art Theory and Music (DTAM-UFES, 2015-2020) and the Department of Social Communication (DEPCOM-UFES, 2023-) and taught Pedagogy and Psychology courses at the European College of Vitória (FAEV, 2015-2023). He conducts research on art historiography and art history in Latin America, on the use and meanings of images, and appropriation strategies in recent art productions and new media. He is the host of the podcast "Não Pod Tocar," a debater on "MIDcast Política" and the "Pindorama" podcast, and a member of the Laboratory for Research in Art Theories and Processes (LabArtes-UFES). He is the editor of the "Revista do Colóquio" (periodicos.ufes/colartes) and the "Revista Farol" (periodicos.ufes/farol). He is a writer for the website Nota Manuscrita (, and an active artist and critic with the groups Coletivo Monográfico and Nota Manuscrita, with whom he has produced texts, videos, performances, and installations since 2009. He received the "Bolsa Ateliê" award from the Espírito Santo State Department of Culture, with the installation project "Ínfimos Corriqueiros - Pormenores Possessivos" (2012-2013), and the "Núcleo de Criação Rede Cultura Jovem" award (2010-2011). He was a UFES Scientific Initiation scholarship holder (2011-2012), with the project "The Presence of Emptiness as a Theme in Neoconcrete Art," under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Angela Grando. He worked as a mediator at the Palácio Anchieta Cultural Space (2009-2013), was responsible for the technical reserve/collection of the Espírito Santo State Art Museum MAES (2008-2009), and was a teacher for the Municipal Department of Education of Cariacica (2006-2008).


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How to Cite

Lemus, F., & Hipólito, R. (2024). Art and life: the nineties in Buenos Aires. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 175–205.


