Medieval analogical thinking and deviation towards the intangible in the Beatus of Facundus



pensamento analógico medieval, Beatus de Facundus, imago


This article examines medieval analogical thinking, as explored by Hilário Franco Júnior, and its relationship with imagery representation in the manuscript Beatus of Facundus. It focuses on the idea of deviation towards the intangible to understand how medieval images, especially in the context of the Apocalypse, operate between the visible and the invisible. The Beatus of Facundus, an illustrated commentary on the Apocalypse, combines texts and images that transcend mere illustration, proposing a visual and textual exegesis of the Scriptures. The discussion centers on how analogy, essential to medieval thinking, creates links between the material and spiritual worlds, using known elements to allude to divine mysteries. The conclusion is that the medieval manuscript not only illustrates but also dialogues with sacred texts, becoming an imago that reveals hidden meanings through deviation and analogy, reinforcing the importance of the relationship between the tangible and the intangible in medieval Christian theology.


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Author Biography

Fabiana Pedroni, IA-UNESP

PhD candidate in Arts at the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (IA-UNESP), Master in Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Social History of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), graduated in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).


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How to Cite

Pedroni, F. (2022). Medieval analogical thinking and deviation towards the intangible in the Beatus of Facundus. Revista Do Colóquio, 12(20.2), 110–123. Retrieved from