Modernism in Brazil

initial notes for a review of the canon based on mural art




muralismo, indústria, circulação, modernidade


The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of mural art for the revision of the historiographical canon regarding modernism in São Paulo. Dealing with the aspects of production and circulation of this production, an analysis is proposed that focuses on the relations between the urban-industrial growth of São Paulo and the mural production, the circulation of this production in periodicals of the time and the strategies involved in the making of the panels. Based on these axes, it is intended to propose new parameters for the analysis of the development of modernism in Brazil, replacing the already consolidated identity matrix with the idea of an experience of modernity.


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Author Biography

Patricia Martins Santos Freitas, DTAM-UFES

PhD Professor at the Arts Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), working in the Department of Art and Music Theory. Post-doctorate in Art, Theory and Criticism at the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo (USP). Master and PhD in History from the State University of Campinas, with an emphasis on the areas of art and culture of the 20th century. She was a visiting researcher at the Department of Art History and Archeology at Columbia University (USA). She worked as a researcher at the Center for the History of Art and Archeology (Unicamp), the Interdisciplinary Center for City Studies (Unicamp) and the Brazilian Committee for the Preservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH-Brazil). She has studies in the areas of art history and 20th century culture, decorative arts and modernism.


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How to Cite

Martins Santos Freitas, P. (2024). Modernism in Brazil: initial notes for a review of the canon based on mural art. Farol, 19(29), 218–230.


