Resonant Dissidents

graffiti in political demonstrations




graffiti, manifestação, luta social, Vitória-ES


In this article, we present a study on the use of graffiti in political demonstrations. To this end, we highlight some historical moments that are considered fundamental to mention when dealing with this topic; these are moments in which graffiti artists opposed political-behavioral hegemony and took action, using graffiti as a tool for social struggle. We will also point out more recent movements that took place in Brazil and especially in Vitória-ES.


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Author Biographies

Penha de Fátima da Cruz de Souza, UFES

He has a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from Faculdade Brasileira UNIVIX (2017), a specialization in Architecture and Urban Environment from Faculdade Capixaba da Serra (2018) and a master's degree in Arts from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (2021).

Claudia França, PPGA-UFES

PhD in Arts from UNICAMP and associated with the Postgraduate Program at UFES. Researches Three-Dimensional Expression and Drawing, working mainly on the themes of creative process in art, installation and installation design and contemporary drawing.


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KAMINSKI, Leon (Ed.). Contracultura no Brasil, anos 70: circulação, espaços e sociabilidades.

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MASIERO, Cláudia Gisele et al. Os Grafites Do Muro De Berlim Em Imagens Fotográficas–Testemunhos De Uma História. XII Encontro Estadual de História ANPUH/RS. 2014.

OLIVEIRA, Patrícia Daniele Lima de; SILVA, Ana Márcia. Para além do hip hop: juventude, cidadania e movimentos sociais. Motrivivência Ano XVI, Nº 23, p. 61-80. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC. 2004.

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How to Cite

Souza, P. de F. da C. de, & França, C. (2024). Resonant Dissidents: graffiti in political demonstrations. Farol, 20(31), 124–134.



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