Ergological Research: scientificity, coherence, paradigm development and conceptual link


  • Edvalter Becker Holz Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - PPGADM UFES




This is a theoretical essay which brings up four points in need of reflections and deepening in the ergological literature: scientificity, coherence, paradigm development and conceptual link. The points are presented in form of main questions, from which reflections and new questions are made. The essay is constructed without seeking ready-made answers and it does not claim to construct a theoretical summary, still, it relies on due and coherent theoretical framework. It is relevant to Organization Studies, since Ergology has been used by researchers from this area, but without steer specifically to that, once Ergology is a multidisciplinary approach. It brings important explains, but with the aim of generate new questions and reinforce the need for deepening about them, so the final considerations are not exactly conclusive: reinforce the need for epistemological careful but make note the approach side which cannot be reached early.


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Author Biography

Edvalter Becker Holz, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - PPGADM UFES

Mestrando de Aministração na UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Graduado em Administração também pela UFES. Possui experiência em Administração. Atua como membro do grupo de pesquisas 'NETES - Núcleo de Estudos em Tecnologias de Gestão e Subjetividades' - UFES, na linha de pesquisa 'Trabalho, Ergologia e Gestão'. Obs.: Mestrado com créditos cumpridos, em fase de produção da Dissertação.



How to Cite

Holz, E. B. (2013). Ergological Research: scientificity, coherence, paradigm development and conceptual link. Management and Connections Journal, 2(1), 210–230.