
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Opinion substantiated of Approval by the Research Ethics Committee
  • Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer
  • Manuscript written following the journal template

Author Guidelines


In the menu "About the Journal", our focus, scope and frequency are available; Open Access Policy; Author Responsibilities; Ethical Aspects and Policy against Plagiarism and Misconduct and Research; Documentation of conflict of interest and approval by the Research Ethics Committee; Clinical Trials and Copyright Records (Disclaimer and Copyright Transfer).

The Guidelines are set out below. Access the template to submit your manuscript to RBPS. Follow it strictly. Also insert the other declarations and cover sheets.


Paper submission to rbps is online through the Open Journal System (OJS) ( The corresponding author must provide an ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, at the time of submission by entering it in the user's profile in the submission system. We recommend doing the same for co-authors.

Upon submission, authors must upload all documents listed in the "conflicts of interest" and "copyright" sections. In addition, you must upload the manuscript to be evaluated (follow the indicated templates).


When selecting manuscripts for publication, the following are evaluated: originality, relevance and methodology, as well as adequacy to the editorial standards adopted by the journal (available in "Guidelines for Authors").

Upon being submitted for evaluation, the manuscript is initially evaluated by the Secretariat, observing whether it is in accordance with the RBPS publication rules, especially the required document collection. Then, the manuscript is assigned to the scientific editors to begin the double-blind and peer review process.

Manuscripts will only begin the processing process if they comply with the "Author Guidelines". Otherwise, they will be returned for compliance with the rules and inclusion of documents that may be necessary.

The scientific editors receive the manuscripts designated by the editor-in-chief, assess whether there is agreement with the scientific focus and scope of publication of the RBPS, and initiate a technical-scientific review task through the appointment of scientific ad hoc referees/reviewers who receive the manuscripts . This editorial stage occurs with decentralized distribution to referees/reviewers ad hoc, with one reviewer being linked to institutions located in the State of Espírito Santo or in other states, and the other external reviewer, from institutions located outside Espírito Santo or outside Brazil. .

The scientific editors receive the evaluations of the ad hoc referees/reviewers, prepare an opinion based on the scientific manuscripts and send them to the scientific editor, within an average period of 30 working days.

The blind peer review process (peer and blind review system) is a confidential procedure regarding the identity of both authors and ad hoc reviewers/reviewers, so authors should use all possible means to avoid identifying authorship of the manuscript and the ad hoc reviewers/reviewers will certify that there is no conflict of interest in the technical-scientific analyses.

The opinions of the ad hoc referees/reviewers encompass three possibilities: a) Submission accepted; b) Submission accepted with restrictions; c) Submission rejected. The final opinion will be issued by the scientific editor who will define the next steps in the manuscript's editorial flow. Authors follow this flow through the Open Journal System (OJS) they used to submit the manuscript.

Manuscripts, when accepted, will be subject to minor corrections or modifications that do not alter the author's style. These eventual modifications will only occur after previous consultation with the author.

In case of acceptance with restrictions, the scientific editor will return the manuscript to the authors so that they can make the necessary changes indicated by the referees/ad hoc reviewers and resubmit for a new evaluation.

When refused, the scientific editor will return the manuscript to the authors with the justification.



Manuscripts sent to RBPS must be written in Portuguese or English and must fit into one of the sections of the journal, described below:

1 - Editorial: critical and in-depth commentary, prepared by the editors of the Journal and/or by an invited person with notable experience on the subject addressed. It must contain the structure of a dissertation text, with Introduction, Development, Conclusion and References.

2 - Original articles (comprising more than 80% of the edition): they present unpublished results of scientific, clinical or experimental research, among others. They must contain in their structure: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

3 - Case reports: presentation of professional experience, based on peculiar case studies and/or new techniques, with succinct comments of interest to the work of other professionals in the area. They must contain in their structure: Introduction, Report(s) of the Case(s), Discussion and References. For technique reports: Introduction, Technique Presentation, Conclusion and References.

4 - Review articles: systematized critical evaluation on a given subject, with conclusions. The procedures adopted must be described – search methodology, inclusion and exclusion criteria, results and discussion – clarifying the delimitation of the topic. They must contain in their structure: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

5 - Experience Reports: Technical-scientific writing with the objective of describing lived experience and contributing to the construction of knowledge in the area in a systematic and structured way with the purpose of bringing reflections on a certain reality and/or experience. It must contain: Introduction (contextualization, experience report, theoretical framework), results, discussion and conclusions.


The Brazilian Journal of Health Research accepts submission of manuscripts in full in a foreign language as long as the authors present a certificate of review in English or Spanish with the submitted work.

The researchers must assume the costs of the foreign language review. If one of the co-authors is a native foreigner of the English and/or Spanish language, he/she must review the English and Spanish of the work. The main author (correspondent) must send a certificate to the journal confirming that this review was carried out by one of the authors who are native speakers of English or Spanish.

For manuscripts in Portuguese, an abstract section is mandatory, but it is not necessary to submit a proof of language review (this step is carried out in the RBPS publishing flow at no cost to the authors).


Manuscripts must be typed in Word for Windows and sent exclusively through the On-line Manuscript Submission System (, accompanied by the scanned documents: a) Declaration of Conflict of Interest; b) Opinion substantiated of Approval by the Research Ethics Committee; c) Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer.

The manuscript pages must be numbered and configured for A4 paper, with top, bottom, left and right margins of 3 cm, Arial font size 12 and 1.5 space, with justified text alignment and paragraphs with tabs with first line indentation at 1.25. The number of pages is limited to 25 and must comply with the above configuration, including Cover Page, Abstract, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, as well as illustrations (figures, tables, charts, graphs, photos, etc. .).

A) Cover page

A cover page containing only the following items must be sent: title of the manuscript in Portuguese and English and full name of the authors, information on the authors' affiliation (main institution of origin, city, state and country), name and full address to correspondence, place where the study was carried out. Indication of the person responsible for exchanging correspondence, providing full address (ZIP code, telephone with area code and electronic address - e-mail) for contact.

Funding sources for carrying out the research, such as scholarships and financial aid, must be included on the cover page.

IMPORTANT: The Cover Page must be included as a supplementary document. The data contained in the title page should not be included in the body of the manuscript to guarantee the blind review editorial flow system.

B) Abstract

Abstracts should enable the reader to assess the interest of the manuscript and compose a coherent series of sentences, and not the simple enumeration of titles, therefore providing a clear and concise view of the manuscript's content, its significant conclusions and the contribution to health collective. It must contain a maximum of 250 words and be presented in Portuguese and English, including structure words (Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion) and keywords.

C) Keywords

These are words or expressions that identify the content of the manuscript, provided by the author himself. The subject headings of the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), in Portuguese and English, indicated by the Virtual Health Library ( must be followed.

D) Structure of the text

The text structure should be in accordance with the nature of the manuscript: Editorial, Original Articles, Review Articles, Case and Experience Reports.

E) Illustrations

The illustrations and tables of the manuscript submitted for appreciation are limited to a maximum number of five. However, in case of acceptance of the manuscript, the authors will be asked for the original files in which the illustrations and tables were constructed in order to allow graphic formatting.

According to ABNT, NBR 14724, of March 17, 2011, “Whatever the type of illustration [or table], its identification appears at the top, preceded by the designating word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, photograph, graphic , map, organization chart, plan, picture, portrait, figure, image, among others), followed by their order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, dash and the respective title”.

The submitted designs may be improved or redesigned by the Journal's production, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Digital images may be accepted as long as their primary capture has taken place, at least in size (10cm x 15cm) and with adequate resolution (300 dpi). Drawings and schemes should be limited to the minimum, preferably made in Corel Draw, and must be provided in digital format along with the manuscript file and presented on separate sheets. If there are figures taken from other previously published works, the authors must provide written permission for reproduction. This authorization must accompany the manuscript submitted for consideration for publication. All illustrations and tables, without exception, must be cited in the body of the text and presented on separate pages.

F) Acknowledgments

It is optional for authors. They should be brief, direct and addressed only to people or institutions that substantially contributed to the elaboration of the manuscript. They must be arranged in the manuscript before the references. Acknowledgments of a personal or family nature should not be made.

G) References

References are limited to a maximum number of 30 (except for systematic reviews) and must be presented in the order in which they appear in the text, numbered and standardized according to the Vancouver Style. Examples must conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (

The accuracy of the references is the responsibility of the authors. References to documents not indexed in the world scientific literature, generally of dissemination limited to an institution or an event (theses, research reports, communications at events, among others) and information extracted from electronic documents, not permanently maintained on websites, if relevant, should appear in the footer of the pages of the text where they were cited.

H) Citation of references in the text

Follow the citation numerical system, in which only the index numbers of the references, in superscript form, are indicated in the text. The names of the authors and the year of publication should not be cited. Authors' names (followed by index number and year of publication of the manuscript) are only allowed if strictly necessary. Examples of citing references in the text:

  • random numbers

“Processing is neglected by most professionals, with some authors claiming that about 90% of failures in radiographs occur in the darkroom” 2,8,10.

  • sequential numbers

“Since clinical observations proved that white spot lesions are reversible, remineralization has become an important mechanism in the prevention and clinical reduction of enamel caries”1-4.

  • Author name citation

“Cassatly et al.2 reported a case of osteomyelitis in a patient who underwent apicoectomy with a Nd:YAG laser, which led to necrosis of part of the maxilla, due to the diffusion of heat generated to the bone tissue adjacent to the root apex.”

I) Abbreviations

They are not recommended, except those recognized by the International System of Weights and Measures or those established in medical publications, which must follow the international standards traditionally in use (approved by the Montreal document published in the British Medical Journal 1979;1:532-5). When the number of abbreviations is significant, provide a separate glossary.

J) Drug names

The use of trade names (trademark) is not recommended; when necessary, the product name must come after the generic name, in parentheses, in upper and lower case, followed by the symbol that characterizes the registered trademark, in superscript.

K) Final considerations

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify their compliance with all items listed here. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

For contact, send an email to

Correspondence should be sent to the Brazilian Journal of Health Research, under the care of the Editor-in-chief of the Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Saúde (RBPS), address: Marechal Campos Avenue, number 1468, Maruípe, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, Zip code: 29040- 090 Health Sciences Center, Federal University of Espírito Santo.

Artigos Originais

O resumo deve possibilitar ao leitor avaliar o interesse do manuscrito e compor uma série coerente de frases, e não a simples enumeração de títulos, fornecendo, portanto, uma visão clara e concisa do conteúdo do manuscrito, suas conclusões significativas e a contribuição para a saúde coletiva. Deve conter no máximo 250 palavras, em parágrafo único, espaçamento simples, e as seções “Introdução, Objetivos, Métodos, Resultados e Conclusão”. O nome da seção deve estar em negrito. O texto deve ser em fonte Arial, 12, sem negrito. Ao final do resumo, devem ser listadas de 3 a 5 palavras-chave.

Relato de Caso

Apresentação da experiência profissional, baseada em estudos de casos peculiares e/ou em novas técnicas, com comentários sucintos de interesse para a atuação de outros profissionais da área. Devem conter em sua estrutura: Introdução, Relato(s) do(s) Caso(s), Discussão e Referências. Para relatos de técnicas: Introdução, Apresentação da Técnica, Conclusão e Referências.

Relatos de Experiência

Redação técnico-científica com objetivo de descrever experiência vivenciada e contribuir com a construção do conhecimento na área de forma sistematizada e estruturada com finalidade de trazer reflexões sobre determinada realidade e/ou experiência. Deve conter: Introdução (contextualização, relato da experiência, marco teórico), resultados, discussão e conclusões.

Artigos de Revisão

Avaliação crítica sistematizada sobre determinado assunto, devendo ter conclusões. Devem ser descritos os procedimentos adotados – metodologia de busca, critérios de inclusão e exclusão, resultados e discussão – esclarecendo a delimitação do tema. Devem conter em sua estrutura: Introdução, Objetivo, Métodos, Resultados, Discussão, Conclusão e Referências.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.


Equipe Editorial da RBPS