Women and alcoholism: an integrative literature review


  • Laerson da silva de Andrade u=universidade federal do espíriot santo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1998-0865
  • Larissa Bezerra Oliveira
  • Geovane Borges Fontana
  • Gabriela Dell' Dell' Antônio Guimarães
  • Flavia Batista Portugal
  • Marluce Mechelli Siqueira




Women, Alcoholism, Mental Health


Introduction: Alcoholism is a public health problem and also one of the main health risk factors. Female alcoholism has peculiarities, since the repercussions are intense, precocious and potentiate female social vulnerability. Objective: To identify the scientific evidence about female alcoholism in Brazil. Methods: An integrative literature review was carried out. The inclusion criteria were articles published between 2006-2016, in Portuguese, English or Spanish and related to primary studies. The survey of scientific articles was carried out in November 2018, at digitals libraries Scielo, Lilacs and Medline. The following descriptors were used: Alcohol, Alcoholism, Alcohol Abstinence, Alcohol Abstinence, Alcohol Dependence Syndrome and Disorders Related to Alcohol Use and Women. From the sample selection, a database was structured with the following information: year of the publication, authors, title, study design, objectives, results and level of evidence. Results: Were selected 31 articles and the themes identified: protection factors; risk factors; alcohol use in pregnancy; treatment; social role and its relationship with alcoholism and vulnerabilities. Conclusion: The analysis of the literature revealed alcohol as a risk factor for several diseases, such as: domestic violence, family abandonment, family conflicts and psychosocial comorbidities. Brazilian scientific production on the impact of alcoholism on women´s health is essential to structure the approaches on female alcoholism and health services, addressing social vulnerabilities and promoting protection factors.


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How to Cite

de Andrade L da silva, Oliveira LB, Fontana GB, Guimarães GDDA, Portugal FB, Siqueira MM. Women and alcoholism: an integrative literature review. RBPS [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];22(3):156-70. Available from: https://periodicos.ufes.br/rbps/article/view/23382



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