The use of technologies in adolescent health: integrative literature review
Technology, Health Education, Adolescents, Sending of texts messagesAbstract
Introduction: The diversity of use of technologies is presents in the daily routine of teens and requires an assessment about its manipulation for specific professionals due the high physical, psychological and social vulnerability of these community. Objectives: Identify in scientific literature technologies developed and applicable in adolescent health education. Methods: Integrative literature review, containing the analysis of ten articles published in four bases of data between 2015 and 2020, translated in English and Portuguese, through of Health Science descriptors (DeCs): technology, health education, adolescents and sending of texts messages. Results: From ten articles selected, two were in English language (20%) and were developed in the United States of America and eight in Portuguese language (80%) with more prevalence of publication in the year of 2018 with four articles (40%). The technologies addressed were smartphone, interventions though web (blogs), chat, Power point presentations, automatic text messages, games and educative methodologies. Conclusion: The applicability of technologies had a high resonance among the adolescent’s audience. There is an amount limitation of available articles entirely in free form of Brazilian original versions applying technologies in the teen’s health. There is a good acceptance by the adolescents from content by the ludic and attractive way which intensify its assimilation. Others kind of technological tools must be created and spread among the investigated audience at the school and at home.
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