The use of mouthwash in dental practice as a care protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic: an integrative review
COVID-19, Coronaviruses, Prevention of diseasesAbstract
Introduction: The pandemic caused by the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) caused a serious public health situation, in view of the highly infectious contagious viral transmission, led to the urgent need to develop specific preventive measures, such as the use of mouthwashes. Objectives: To carry out an integrative literature review with a pattern of ascertaining whether the use of mouthwashes is effective in preventing Covid-19. Methods: Carry out an integrative literature review through a guiding question: “Are mouthwashes effective in preventing Covid-19?”; with selection of articles through the US National Library of Medicine (NLM/PubMed) database and use of “MeSHterms”, being these: “mouthwashes” and “Covid-19”, in addition, there was the use of the Boolean AND connector. Results: After analyzing the 134 (one hundred and thirty-four) full works; of these, 6 (six) articles were duplicated in the search strategies, thus totaling 19 (nineteen) works selected after the eligibility criteria. Despite the reduction in the number of scientific articles claiming the effectiveness of mouthwashes, 10 of the 19 scientific studies (52.6%) provided scientific data on some substances that may have antiviral action. Conclusion: It can be inferred that povitone iodine is a substance present in mouthwashes that most show a reduction in the viral load of the new coronavirus. Therefore, the formulation of new clinical and laboratory research is essential to be able to determine statistical values with a larger sample of individuals.
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