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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This contribution is original and inedited, and it is not being considered to publication by other journal [Otherwise, this must be justified in "Comments to the Editor"

  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, Open Office (or latter) or RTF format [provided that they have no more than 2MB]
  • The text follows the standards of style and bibliographical requirements described in Guidelines to Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  • The manuscript is in accordance with the standards of the Vancouver or ABNT and in its references shows only the works cited in the paper.

  • The identification of authorship of the text was removed from the file and from the option Properties in Word, in order to guarantee the criteria of secrecy of the journal, in case it is submitted to peer evaluation (e.g.: articles), according to the instructions available at Ensuring Blind Peer Evaluation.
  • In case a request for a review by the editor or the peer reviewers it will be done within the recommended term. If the article is accepted, I undertake to provide a  language revision with a qualified professional, sending a formal statement to the magazine about the reviewer's work.
  • I know that the perspective of the article publication in this  journal is up one year.

  • I am aware of the terms of "Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement" described in the Editorial Policies section.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines to Authors

The editorial process will only start if the original version complies with the Section Policies and the further recommendations described below. Otherwise, it will be returned for compliance with the norms, attachment of letter or other documents.

The ethical issues of research involving with humans are the author’s responsibility and should be in accordance with the principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (1964, revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996 and 2000) and Resolution 196 of the National Health Council

After publishing an article, the author (maximum of 4) must keep a interval of 12 months for new publication, unless invited by the Editorial Committee to prepare reviews, editorials or specific comments.

The individual authors contributions shall have be assumed at the end of the text with the initials of each author adding collaboration mode. The working arrangements indicated by Argumentum are: a) the conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; b) drafting the article or revising it critically; and c) approval of the version to be published. E.G. LMF worked on the design and final text and CMG worked on the research and methodology).

Any text forwarded to the journal must include (1) Declaration of Responsibility and (2) Copyrights Transfer Agreement. These documents must be sent through mail or faxed. (See models and addresses below).

Before submission, the texts must be accurately revised so as to comply with current grammar rules and the standards of the Brazilian National Standards Organization - ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) or Vancourver. During edition, the texts can be adapted to the project and to the editorial format of the journal. In order to develop the original versions, consult the following ABNT standards: NBR6022 (2003), for preparation of articles in periodical publications; NBR6023 (2002), for elaboration of references; NBR10520 (2002) for quotations in documents; NBR6028 (2003), for presentation of abstracts. Concerning graphical aspects (images, figures, tables, and graphs) please refer to NBR14724 (2006) guidelines.

1- Formatting the texts

Page A4, font Times New Roman, font size 12, left and top margins must have 3 cm, and right and bottom, 2 cm.  Use 1.5 line spacing and text justification. The references must be aligned to the left hand margin with single line spacing. Text size should comply with the Section Policies. Save it in Word 2003 (or later) or in RTF format. should not exceed 40 000 characters including spaces.  For highlighting, use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses). For highlighting titles and subtitles, use only bold. It should be limited to 40 thousand characters (including spaces)

2 - Structure of article presentation

2.1 - Pre-textual elements

Title and subtitle: The title and the subtitle (if any) should appear on the opening page of the article, in-language version of the text and another in the foreign language applied to the summary separated by colon (:). They must be up to 12-word long (or 75 characters including spaces) and clearly and precisely express the general content of the text. They should be centered and in 14-point bold font.

Section Titles: Written in size 12-point bold font, and aligned on the left. When convenient, use numbered sections and Arabic numbers, aligned on the left margin, preceding the title and separated from it by a space - according to NBR 6024 (2003).

Name(s) of the author(s): For the evaluation process, delete the name(s) of author(s) or any referency allowing identification. If the article was accepted, at the final edition the the (s) name (s) (s) of author (s) and other data will be added to the text in direct order (name and last name) followed by the institution the author(s) is (are) linked to. It is mandatory to mention the source(s) of sponsorship, if any. At the end of the article, present a mini résumé no longer than 5 lines, including academic title(s), position(s), and electronic addresses.

Abstract: According to NBR 6028 (2003), it presents an identification of the object, the objectives, methodology and the main conclusion. It should have no more than 900 characters (with spaces), with indication of 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, separated by dots.  The abstract must have a version in the language of the text and in a foreign language (English).

Keywords: Maximum of 5 (five). The key words must have version of the text in the language and foreign language (English).

2.2 -  Textual elements of the articles

2.2.1 - Introduction: Initial part of the text where the topic to be discussed must be limited, as well as the objectives of the research and other useful elements that better characterize the theme of the text.

2.2.2- Development: It contains the organized and detailed exposition of the topic to be discussed. The sections and subsections can be used to hierarchize and limit the contents.

2.2.3 - Conclusion

Final part of the article, dedicated to the presentation of the conclusions that correspond to the objectives of the study.

2.2.4 - Acknowledgments and/or Individual authors contributions: Must be mentioned at the end of the text in a short passage.

2.2.5 - Glossary, appendices, notes, and attachments: Include only what is absolutely necessary. The Editorial Board will judge the necessity of publishing them.

Use notes specifically for subjects (in a footnote), only the absolutely necessary. Do not use footnotes as bibliographical notes. The references used must be in the list at the end of the article, leaving notes on the subject only to its mention in abbreviated form, as usual in the text.

3 - Rules for quotations, references and other procedures

3.1 - Quotations: All the quotations presented in the text must be on the list of references and follow the guidelines of the ABNT NBR10520 (2002) Standard, with the author-date system.

3.1.1 - Direct, literal or textual quotations:

Inserted in the text: The brief quotations (up to three lines) are included in the text, between quotation marks.

Highlighted: The quotations with more than three lines appear in (a) paragraph(s) detached from the text (indented from the left hand margin but following the same right margin of the text, using10-point font, and single spacing between lines).

3.1.2 - Indirect quotations:

The source must be cited (author, date, page) in the paragraph in which the ideas of the author are exposed, or at the end of the paragraph, as a bibliographic note.

3.2 - References

In compliance with the NBR 6023 (2002) they should include only the documents that are actually cited in the text.  Some examples:

3.2.1 - Monograph as a whole (includes books, theses, and dissertations, among others)

SANTOS, M. B. dos. Estatuto da Cidade: uma arma contra os inimigos. São Paulo: Ed. de Direito, 2001.

3.2.2 - Part of monograph (Includes chapter, issue no., fragment and other parts of works with their own authors and/or titles)

SAWAIA, B. Participação social e subjetividade. In. SORRENTINO, M. Ambientalismo e participação na contemporaneidade. São Paulo: EDUC/FAPESP, 2001. p. 115-134.

3.2.3 - Legislation in electronic media.

BRAZIL. Law no. 10.257, issued on July 10th, 2001 regulates articles 182 and 183 of the Brazilian Constitution and establishes general guidelines of urban policies, among other provisions. Available at: <>. Access on: Sept. 12, 2002.

3.2.4 - Periodic publications

ARGUMENTUM., Vitória: PPGPS/UFES. 2009- Biannual.

3.2.5 - Part of a journal

NOGUEIRA, V. R. À margem da lei. revista Katálysis. Florianópolis: EDUFSC, v. 7, n. 2, p. 122-135, Jul. /Dec. 2003.

3.2.6 - Article and/or newspaper article

NAVES, P. Lagos andinos dão banho de beleza. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 jun., 1999. Folha de Turismo, Caderno 8, p. 13.

3.2.7 - Article and/or newspaper article in electronic medium

ARRANJO Tributário. Diário do Nordeste Online. Fortaleza, Nov. 27. 1998. Available in: <>. Access on: Aug. 25, 1998.

3.2.8 - Event

SOUZA, L. et al. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCOS DE DADOS, 9., 1994. São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: USP, 1994, p. 3-4.

4 - Use of acronyms: When they appear for the first time in the text, they must present their full form and then the acronym in parenthesis. For example: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social (PPGPS).

5 - Drawings, flow charts, photographs, graphs, maps, organizational charts, tables and others:

They must be inserted in the text, not at the end of it. They should be used only when it is absolutely necessary to make the text clearer. Also, they should be presented as close as possible to the passage they refer to, numbered in Arabic numbers, and followed by title and source at the bottom of the illustration. When appropriate, mention this source on the list of references. Notice the ethical procedures related to the use of images. If the illustrations sent had been already published, mention the title, source and credit. Digital images must be presented in 400DPIs, for better graphic resolution.

6 - Internet Addresses

Every address of Internet pages (URLs) included in the text (e.g.: must be active and ready to be clicked.

Thematic Articles

Thematic Articles - of open submission, correspond to original works containing a critical review or results of research of empirical or conceptual nature.  They can have no more than 40 thousand characters, including spaces. The number os authors should not exceed 4 (four)

Note: The maximum limit of characters considers spaces and includes both text and bibliography.  Abstracts, notes, and illustrations (figures and charts) are counted separately.  These and other criteria are included in the Publication Standards.

Temas Livres

Of open submission, correspond to original works - no related to the central edition theme - containing a critical review or results of research of empirical or conceptual nature.  They can have no more than 40 thousand characters, including spaces. The number os authors should not exceed 4 (four)

Note: The maximum limit of characters considers spaces and includes both text and bibliography.  Abstracts, notes, and illustrations (figures and charts) are counted separately.  These and other criteria are included in the Publication Standards.


Reviews - of open submission, they bring a critical analysis of a book which has been published in the past two years and is related to the journal's thematic field.  They can have no more than 10 thousand characters, including spaces.  The authors should forward a high-definition front cover picture of the book reviewed to the secretary's office of the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively to the services rendered by this publication. They will not be made available to any other purposes or to third-parties.