Links and tensions between disability and mental health


  • Ricardo Lugon Arantes Universidade Feevale
  • Analice de Lima Palombini Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



Persons with Disabilities, Mental Health, Brazilian Psychiatric Reform


There is a gap between policies and struggles related to the field of Mental Health and that of Persons with Disabilities. This article discusses the connections and tensions between these fields using Mental Health Studies and Disability Studies sources. Based on eleven interviews with Brazilian activists, researchers, and managers, we discuss the translation and choice of terms employed in Brazil and the legal frameworks surrounding these policies. In the Global South, there is little academic output, with an emerging movement in Africa, while in India the feminist struggle is allied to confronting the patriarchal oppressions reproduced by Psychiatry. There is synergy between the struggles and convergence around access to the right to income linked to disability, but there are divergences in the choice of the terms with which these collectives designate themselves.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Lugon Arantes, Universidade Feevale

Universidade Feevale, Curso de Medicina, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil


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How to Cite

Arantes, R. L., & Palombini, A. de L. (2024). Links and tensions between disability and mental health. Argumentum, 16(3), 283–296.