Influence of the suppression of the corner column on the compressive stresses of L-shaped RC shear walls


  • Salem Merabti University of Khemis Miliana



Buildings, RC Shear Walls, Openings, Column Suppression, Compressive Stresses


Designing innovative, economical, and earthquake-resistant structures is a major concern for civil engineers. In this article, a comparison is made between the performance of columns in L-shaped shear walls in three different buildings subjected to a strong earthquake. Additionally, shear walls with centered openings of different sizes were also studied. The impact of column removal and opening size on compressive stresses was examined. The results revealed that the influence of column removal from the L-shaped shear wall on the compressive stress response during a high earthquake was relatively minor for the four-story building. However, the influence was significant for the seven- and eleven-story buildings, which were affected by the shear wall thickness and the percentage of opening. Specifically, when the eleven-story buildings are braced with 15-cm thick walls, the compressive stress difference reaches a value of 5.40 MPa. This stress difference becomes noticeable at an opening percentage of 30%.


Biografia do Autor

Salem Merabti, University of Khemis Miliana

Senior Lecturer and researcher at Khemis Miliana University in Algeria. My academic and research interests encompass a broad range of topics, including innovative construction materials, wood-based composites, various forms of concrete, and structural engineering. My work aims to contribute to the advancement of sustainable and resilient materials that can address the challenges of modern construction and infrastructure. Over the years, I have gained substantial experience in both field and laboratory settings, conducting in-depth material analyses to understand and enhance their properties and performance. My hands-on involvement in practical applications has strengthened my understanding of the durability and efficiency of these materials in real-world scenarios. Beyond these technical aspects, I am also committed to fostering collaboration in interdisciplinary research to push the boundaries of what is possible in materials science and engineering.


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Como Citar

Merabti, S. (2024). Influence of the suppression of the corner column on the compressive stresses of L-shaped RC shear walls. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 10(4), 138–147.

