
ways to demarcate the city and redesign the landscape




graffiti; public place; identity marks


When moving along public roads and spaces, we come across various forms of artistic expression that redesign the landscape that sticks to our eyes. We intend to discuss, based on artistic interventions, the identity mark of artists who use the language of graffiti and who occupy central areas of the capital of Espírito Santo, which would be urban voids, if it weren't for these interventions and their ability to make us see the city for beyond the city.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Mattos Gandini, IFES

Arts Teacher (PEBTT / IFES 2017 - current), Centro-Serrano Campus, Visual Artist and Reserve Military Police Officer, PhD in Arts in progress (PPGA/UFES), Master in Education (PPGE/UFES/2016), Specialization in Education Inclusivity and Diversity (ISECUB/2010), graduated in Visual Arts (UFES/2007). He has experience in the field of Arts, with an emphasis on Visual Arts, working mainly in the fields of Contemporary Art, Visual Arts, Photo Installation, Installation and Audiovisual. Member of the Ato Falho Collective. Researcher in the groups: Art Experimentation Research Group (IFES), Family Farming Sustainability Research Group (IFES), Landscape Studies (UFES) and Creative Processes in Engraving (UFES) and the Art Extension and Research Laboratory (LEENA) .

Jovani Dala Bernardina, PPGA-UFES

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, CAPES Fellow, Bachelor of Fine Arts (2022) from the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Degree in Arts (2023) from UNIASSELVI. She participated in the projects: Prospecting and Poetic Construction and The Colonized Landscape in Latin America, working on the themes: creation process; umwelt; landscape studies; cultural identity; territoriality and urban design. Member of the Ato Falho Collective. Researcher in the groups: Landscape Studies; Creative Processes in Engraving and at LEENA - Arts Extension and Research Laboratory.


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How to Cite

Gandini, M. M., & Bernardina, J. D. (2024). Graffiti: ways to demarcate the city and redesign the landscape. Revista Do Colóquio, 14(23), 98–112.


