
  • Impressão de foto em tecido. Uma criança de pé, no chão, e outra no colo de uma mulher. Há uma silhueta branca de outra pessoa adulta do lado esquerdo da mulher.

    Vol. 14 No. 24 (2024)

    Journals such as Colóquio provide a valuable space for works that not only reflect on the arts, but connect them to crucial contemporary issues, such as human rights, sustainability, climate change, political and social dissent, and technological transformations. This issue reaffirms this commitment, offering a wide variety of articles, visual essays, and experience reports that reflect the vitality and plurality of the field. We invite you to delve into the reflections proposed in this issue and to enjoy reading it as a moment of encounter between knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. Enjoy your reading!

  • Fotografia abstrata com círculos cinza-escuros desfocados e com rastro de movimento sobre fundo cinza-claro na parte de cima da imagem. Na parte de baixo, fundo cinza chapado. Sobre esses fundos, lê-se, de cima para baixo: COL23.

    Vol. 14 No. 23 (2024)

    For this 23rd edition of Revista do Colóquio, we decided to resume receiving submissions with free themes. Until the previous issue, our editions opened calls with specific themes. As a consequence of these calls, some works that did not build a direct dialogue with the set of texts could only be published in subsequent editions. We understand that free calls allow for faster dissemination of research results. In addition to this gain, we can count on the positive side of unpredictability. The diversity of research objects and approaches to the field of arts can make each edition function as a set of doors for the most varied reading interests.

  • Gravura que mostra a colheita do cacau em cores vivas, com grande contraste entre copas das árvores, ao fundo, alaranjadas e arroxeadas, o céu azul claro esverdeado, um montanha em verde escuro, quase marrom. Um plano mais próximo, há arvores baixas, com copas de um verde mais claro, seguidas de uma casa baixa com varanda de colunas brancas e telhado de telhas terracota. À frente da casa há um gramado verde claro e, em primeiro plano, trabalhadores e trabalhadoras negros recolhendo o cacau seco do chão, em balaios palha. Na parte superior, lê-se Elemento cor: percepção, presença, representação. Na parte inferior, lê-se COL22: revista do colóquio de arte e pesquisa do Programa de Pós-graduação em artes da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

    Color Element: Perception, Presence, Representation
    Vol. 13 No. 22 (2023)

    In its 22nd issue, Revista do Colóquio presents works that expose processes, critical analyzes and historical narratives in different contexts linked to the perception, representation and presence of color in works of art, with its most diverse poetic, philosophical, anthropological, sociopolitical and cultural. In addition to the texts included in the theme that gives this edition its title, we present articles, experience reports, visual essays, reviews and translations of free themes.

  • Pintura vertical dividida ao meio por uma linha preta. Na parte superior, uma mulher de pele marrom manuseia o tear de madeira. Na parte inferior, outra mulher de pele marrom manuseia uma roca.

    The weave of times
    Vol. 13 No. 21 (2023)

    “Time in suspension” was the theme of the Colóquio de Arte e Pesquisa do PPGA-UFES 2023. In dialogue and continuity with this IX Colartes, Revista do Colóquio opens a call for articles, experience reports, visual essays, reviews and translations under the theme “The web of times”. With a main interest in research carried out within the field of art, Revista do Colóquio expands, in each edition, the dialogues with different areas of knowledge, in which debates and investigations are developed that adhere to its themes.

  • Fundo violeta com referência completa da revista em letras brandas no topo, seguido de nomes de pessoas autoras, título da edição e indicação, em letras maiores, de COL20.2

    Habitable worlds: images, bodies, places and discourses
    Vol. 12 No. 20.2 (2022)

    Under the title “Inhabitable worlds: images, bodies, places and discourses”, the twentieth issue of the Colóquio Journal brought a diverse set of works that discuss creative and research processes in different contexts, including reports of practical experiences and theoretical elucidations. That set of works represented a small part of what we would have liked to have published for the edition. Unfortunately, time and the editing processes often do not allow us to publish all the quality works we receive in a single edition. In some cases, the research that is not published in that specific edition is in line with the theme proposed for the following editions and, in this context (and due to the patience of the authors), is published several months after its submission and evaluation. For various reasons, which range from the urgency of the authors to publish their articles (a condition resulting from the productivity pressures of academia) to subtle editorial disagreements, many of these studies are not published on our pages. We always regret when we are unable to work on some texts for longer and, therefore, lose the opportunity to integrate them into our following issues.

  • Fundo rosa com referência completa da edição da revista, nomes de todos os autores e indicação de COL20 em letras brancas.

    Mundos habitáveis: imagens, corpos, lugares e discursos
    Vol. 11 No. 20 (2021)

    For our 20th edition, we present works that reflect a living world. What becomes part of the history of art as a foreign body? What can give survival to its oldest inhabitants? What is about to cross the border between the creation process and the historical landscape?

  • When Art Affects Life: the objects with which we share the world
    Vol. 10 No. 19 (2020)

    Under the title “When Art Affects Life: the objects with which we share the world”, the nineteenth issue of the Colloquium Magazine brings eleven proposals between theory, criticism, history and practice of the Arts. There are articles, visual essays and an experience report that focus both on objects from the past, which reverberate in our present, and on what we do today, with our bodies, friction, lives and actions

  • When Art Affects Life: the production of realities
    Vol. 10 No. 18 (2020)

    Under the title “When Art Affects Life: the production of realities” (Edition no. 18), we present Articles, an Experience Report and a Visual Essay that help us think about the roles of Art practices in their processes of broadening of meanings, to actively assist in the construction of reality.

  • Imagem de Capa. Referência completa da edição da Revista em letras menores e, em letras maiores, COL17.

    Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Marks, Forms and Ghosts
    Vol. 9 No. 17 (2019)

    Under the title “Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Marks, Forms and Ghosts”, the seventeenth issue of the Colloquium Magazine brings six proposals between Theory, Criticism and History and Practice of the Arts. In these two issues from 2019, we privilege narratives that think, rethink, problematize, highlight, criticize and poeticize aspects of Art productions and their History, focused on corporeality and the positions that face and have faced hegemonic and homogenizing powers and discourses. Throughout the History of Art and, especially, in the contexts of the geopolitical South, artists and Art proposals marked frictions and ruptures of paradigms. Such confrontations did not and do not occur only in the restricted “world of Art”, but, more broadly, in socio-political contexts that touch and make up the Culture of different peoples.

  • Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Bodies, Discourses and Attitudes
    Vol. 9 No. 16 (2019)

    Under the title “Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Bodies, Discourses and Attitudes”, the sixteenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings six proposals between Theory, Criticism and History of the Arts. In this edition, in addition to the Articles and Visual Essays sections, we bring the Summary Booklet from the last PPGA-UFES Student Art and Research Colloquium, an event that gave rise to the Colloquium Magazine.

  • Ways of Building Time: recent past and contemporary times
    Vol. 8 No. 15 (2018)

    Under the title “Modes of Constructing Time: recent past and contemporary times”, the fifteenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings seven proposals between Theory, Criticism and History of the Arts.

  • Ways of Building Time: distant past and recent past
    Vol. 8 No. 14 (2018)

    Under the title “Modes of Building Time: distant past and recent past”, the fourteenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings nine proposals between Theory, Criticism and History of Visual Arts, Theater, Dance, Literature, Architecture and of the spaces between these already unclear categories. (...)

  • Times of Conflict: freedoms, escapes, friction and desires
    Vol. 7 No. 13 (2017)

    Under the title "Times of Conflict: freedoms, escapes, friction and desires", the thirteenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings eight proposals between theory, criticism, History and poetic production. In the two issues of this volume, June and December, we pay attention to the frictions, antagonisms and analyzes that dialogue, in various ways, with emerging issues inside and outside the arts system in recent decades. In this second issue our focus is, fundamentally, on strategies and scenarios of resistance, but also on the evidence of desires that drive change, of meanings modified by the possession or absence of power and of attempts to recognize the characteristics of a panorama that is as uncertain as it is instigating for the art system and its new generations.

  • Times of Conflict: speeches, presences, realities and fantasies
    Vol. 7 No. 12 (2017)

    Under the title "Times of Conflict: speeches, presences, realities and fantasies", the thirteenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings eight proposals between theory, criticism, History and poetic production. In the two issues of this volume, June and December, we pay attention to the frictions, antagonisms and analyzes that dialogue, in various ways, with emerging issues inside and outside the arts system in recent decades. In this second issue our focus is, fundamentally, on strategies and scenarios of resistance, but also on the evidence of desires that drive change, of meanings modified by the possession or absence of power and of attempts to recognize the characteristics of a panorama that is as uncertain as it is instigating for the art system and its new generations.

  • Critical Documents: Survivals and Disappearances
    Vol. 6 No. 11 (2016)

    Under the title “Critical Documents: Survivals and Disappearances”, the eleventh issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings eight proposals between theory, criticism, History and poetic production. In this second edition of 2016, we continue discussions and exhibitions on documents and memories in the different scenarios of poetic and theoretical production of the arts. As in previous editions, we highlight the variety of views and themes present in our pages. As a publication interested in art research with broad boundaries, in each issue of Revista do Colóquio we are concerned with presenting proposals that expand dialogues and possibilities for differentiated analyses. At the same pace, the eight works presented here, divided into Articles, Experience Report and Visual Essays, are written by researchers from various locations. This list includes research originating from the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, to which we are linked and with which we share a policy of interest in everything that can fuel thinking about art in our time.

  • Décima Edição da Revista do Colóquio de Arte e Pesquisa do PPGA-UFES

    Critical Documents: constructive memory
    Vol. 6 No. 10 (2016)

    Under the title “Critical Documents: Constructive Memory”, the tenth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings eight proposals between theory, criticism, history and poetic production. Talking about documents is, almost always, the next step when talking about memory. With the document as the thing that holds the memory, the experience of remembering can be a very laborious exercise. We learn, slowly, that collecting objects and storing them in boxes protected from humidity and sun is not enough for a memory to survive. The memory must sprout and spread (sometimes the humidity is welcome and hidden from the sun, the memory has, as a last alternative, to hibernate). [...]

  • Fictions: Theatricality, Performativity, Forms of Expression and Communication
    Vol. 5 No. 9 (2015)

    Under the title “Fictions: Theatricality, Performativity, Forms of Expression and Communication”, the ninth issue of the Revista do Colóquio brings eleven proposals that range between processes of poetic construction, critical and historical analyses, doubts and impressions about the most recent scene of Art .

  • The Tragic and the Dramatic
    Vol. 5 No. 8 (2015)

    The eighth issue of the Revista do Colóquio reaffirms this publication's commitment to openness and dialogue between the many fields of thought in the humanities. Under the title “The Tragic and the Dramatic”, the Revista do Colóquio presents a set of proposals that range between Theory and History of Art, Theatre, Music, Philosophy and many other aspects that can be identified by the reader. This title also served as the theme for the 5th Art and Research Colloquium of the Postgraduate Program in Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, held in Vitória, in May this year.

  • Sensory Systems
    Vol. 4 No. 7 (2014)

    The seventh issue of the PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine, under the title "Sensory Systems", presents different aspects of treatment, use and understanding of the perceptual in the fields of Fine Arts, Cinema, Theater and Theory.

  • Ways of Doing/Modes of Viewing
    Vol. 4 No. 6 (2014)

    Issue number 6 of the PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine accompanies the fourth edition of Colartes (2013), with the theme "Ways of Doing/Ways of Exhibiting".

  • Ways of Doing/Modes of Viewing
    Vol. 3 No. 5 (2013)

    The third volume of the PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine accompanies the fourth edition of Colartes (2013), with the theme "Modes of Making/Modes of Exhibiting".

  • Art Culture Distractions Antagonisms
    Vol. 3 No. 4 (2013)

    Issue number 4 of the PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine accompanies the third edition of Colartes (2012), with the theme "Art Culture Distractions Antagonisms".

  • Revista do Colóquio de Arte e Pesquisa do PPGA-UFES, Ano 3, Volume 3, Número 5, 2012

    Art Culture Distractions Antagonisms
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2012)

    The 3rd edition of the Revista do Colóquio de Arte e Pesquisa do PPGA-UFES accompanies the third edition of Colartes (2012), with the theme "Art Culture Distractions Antagonisms".

  • Art, History and Contemporaneity: possible dialogues
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2012)

    Edition number 2 of the PPGA-UFES Art and Research Colloquium Magazine appears as a result of II Colartes (2011), under the theme "Art, History and Contemporaneity: possible dialogues".

  • Art, History and Contemporaneity: possible dialogues
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2011)

    The number 1 edition of the Revista do Colóquio de Arte e Pesquisa do PPGA-UFES appears as a result of II Colartes (2011), under the theme "Art, History and Contemporaneity: possible dialogues".