Vol. 9 No. 17 (2019): Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Marks, Forms and Ghosts

Imagem de Capa. Referência completa da edição da Revista em letras menores e, em letras maiores, COL17.

Under the title “Permanences, Insistences and Resistances: Marks, Forms and Ghosts”, the seventeenth issue of the Colloquium Magazine brings six proposals between Theory, Criticism and History and Practice of the Arts. In these two issues from 2019, we privilege narratives that think, rethink, problematize, highlight, criticize and poeticize aspects of Art productions and their History, focused on corporeality and the positions that face and have faced hegemonic and homogenizing powers and discourses. Throughout the History of Art and, especially, in the contexts of the geopolitical South, artists and Art proposals marked frictions and ruptures of paradigms. Such confrontations did not and do not occur only in the restricted “world of Art”, but, more broadly, in socio-political contexts that touch and make up the Culture of different peoples.

Published: 27-12-2019