About the Journal



Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. Contexto journal does not charge processing or article submission costs.

Journal history

Contexto was created by professors from the Department of Languages and Letters (DLL) of the Center for General Studies (CEG), currently the Center for Human and Natural Sciences (CCHN), in the 1980s, and resumed in 1992 (numbers 1, 2, 1992; 3, 1994, and 4, 1996), in biannual editions, with the purpose of increasing the research, production and publication of professors and undergraduate students.

With the implementation of the Master's Degree in Literature: Brazilian Literature (MeL), from 1996 onwards, the magazine also began to incorporate the production of graduate students. In issue 5, published in 1998, the two institutions, DLL and MeL, take over the journal, making it annual. In 1999, however, when the Postgraduate Program in Letters – Master in Literary Studies (PPGL-MEL) was approved by Capes, this new name replaced MeL, in numbers 6 (1999), 7 (2000) and 8 (2001).

From the issue of number 9 of Contexto (2002), by decision of DLL and PPGL, the magazine becomes an exclusive publication of this Program, which has been in force since then, maintaining the structure of distribution of works in dossiers (targeted articles for specific topics), clips (articles on a variety of topics), translation and fiction.

Consolidated with about two dozen issues in print, Contexto started to be semiannual from number 17 (2010, 1 semester).

In response to Capes' recommendation to publish the editions of periodicals online, the PPGL, as of 2013, made available electronically all the printed editions of the jornal on the Ufes Periodical Portal. This decision was based on the understanding of the need to make available to a greater number of local, regional, national and international researchers the results of research carried out within its scope and that of extramural researchers.

In 2014, Contexto obtains its electronic registration: ISSN 2358-9566.