Literatura fantástica na pele: a leitura de “O conto dos três irmãos” à luz da compreensão corporificada


  • Fernanda Roque Amendoeira
  • Thiago da Cunha Nascimento


ABSTRACT: In this paper, we reflect upon the human attributes of the character 'Death', from "The tale of the three brothers", by J. K. Rowling, as well as the mental simulation created from embodied cognitive structures activated during the reading of the text. This study is guided especially by the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and we aimed to detail the tools used by the author in the activation of the conceptual metaphor DEATH IS HUMAN, as well as to clarify the sense-making processes of the fantastic tale. With the help of a reading protocol answered by 17 volunteers, it was verified that the linguistic clues gain coherence through frames, allowing them to identify the personification of death and to experience the story as if they were inside the narrative.


KEYWORDS: Cognitive Poetics. Cognitive Linguistics. Conceptual Metaphor. Personification. Embodied comprehension.


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