A imagem apórica e antidialética do muro em três autores modernos da literatura portuguesa: Cesário Verde, Raul Brandão e Fernando Pessoa


  • Joana Souto Guimarães Araújo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais – CEFET/MG


ABSTRACT: The article shows a comparative reading among texts chosen from three modern Portuguese authors: Cesário Verde, Raul Brandão and Fernando Pessoa. Those authors explored the image of the wall in the context of new representations of the modern city, with its new types of conscience, perception of time and space. According to our reading, the wall appears as an anti-dialectic image to allude, allegorically, to a relationship of subject aporia or difficulty in the constitution of subjective experience. The image can also be read as “hypericonic”, that is, iconic of the process of image production. In different ways, but with points of contact, the authors considered the image constitution beyond the traditionally dialectical molds of structuring visuality, in order to examine the conscience and propose new representations in face of the difficulties of apprehending reality and of disbelief around the knowing subject.

KEYWORDS: Modern Portuguese literature. Poetic image. Crisis. Dialectics.


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