Teoria da mente e ciências cognitivas em Sequência, de João Guimarães Rosa


  • Felipe Fiuza East Tennessee State University - ETSU
  • Rosana Carvalho Dias Valtão Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - IFES


ABSTRACT: In this paper, we discuss the short story Sequência, by João Guimarães Rosa, from the perspective of modern Cognitive Science, as studied by Clark, Nagel, and Dennett, and theory of mind in literature, as seen in Zunshine. We offer a new approach to the bibliography about Rosa, an approach that has its roots back in the beginning of the 20th century, with the advances in computer science and studies on A.I., and then joined by psychology, philosophy, and neurology, which became the multidisciplinary field known as cognitive sciences. It is through this path that we will rethink the complexity of social relations, how we embodied interact with our context, in other words, we will discuss the phenomenon called life but seen from the perspective of a literary cow.

KEYWORDS: Guimarães Rosa. Theory of Mind. Cognitive Science. Literary criticism.



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