Da angústia no papel à melancolia na tela: um estudo comparativo sobre as transformações do gênero poema em produções românticas oitocentistas e na escrita no Instagram


  • Francisco Vieira da Silva Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido – UFERSA
  • Thâmara Soares de Moura Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte – UERN


ABSTRACT: As well as the procedure of 19th century romantic poets, anxious subjects, in contemporary times, seek to write poems to alleviate them as possible crises. An insertion of these productions in the media corroborates the transformation of the genre. This work aims to investigate what changes occur in the structuring of the genre poem, in the virtual environment of Instagram, based on the triad style-composition-theme and the context of production. This investigation does include any Bakhtinian study hall of Dialogic Discourse Analysis (ADD), under the descriptive-interpretative method of the corpus, of a qualitative nature. The analysis, comparatively, the Azevedian poem Lembrança de morrer, and post @paratodososloucosdomundo, entitled Para ler quando a ansiedade e outros excessos … Therefore, it is possible to identify a relaxation of the genre due to the adaptation to Instagram support, since it uses verbal-visual and sound tools, which favor the hybridity of the genre.

KEYWORDS: Genre poem. Instagram. Virtual poetry.


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