From Imagining to Wearing

artistic processes and experiments on the rite of passage – marriage




casamento, vestido, memória, Inês de Castro, Pedro I


We present a summary of the creative process of the artistic project “Mirar-Imaginar-Vestir”, an interdisciplinary approach from the fields of fashion, performing arts and interactive installation, with the aim of exploring the symbolic, social and affective concepts of the rite of passage of wedding, through the memory of the collections of the National Costume Museum (MNT) and the National Dance Theater Museum (MNTD) - bridal costumes and dances based on the romance of Inês de Castro and Pedro I, from Portugal.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Karla de Almeida, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade De Belas-Artes/CIEBA

PhD student in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL), researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (CIEBA/FBAUL) and scholarship holder from the National Society of Fine Arts (SNBA) in Lisbon.

Michele Dias Augusto, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade De Belas-Artes/CIEBA

PhD student FBAUL/ULisboa, researcher associated with the National Theater and Dance Museum of Portugal and CIEBA-Ulisboa. Master in Visual Arts and Graduate in Performing Arts - Clothing - UFRJ/Brazil. She worked as a Fashion teacher at FAETEC – RJ / Brazil and Performing Arts Escola de Belas Artes-UFRJ / Brazil. Associate member Grafias da Cena (OISTAT/Brazil), APCEN (Centro OISTAT/Portugal). Costume and fashion designer with research on creative processes and visual languages, sustainable fashion works, television drama, theater and carnival costumes.


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How to Cite

Almeida, E. K. de, & Augusto, M. D. (2024). From Imagining to Wearing: artistic processes and experiments on the rite of passage – marriage. Farol, 19(28), 23–33.



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