The Education as life skills

as costs enter art, communication and education




communication, arts, education, new technologies, networks


A Rhizome-education starts from the excerpts and inspirations from the perspectives of Deleuze, Guattari, Certeau, Foucault, Derridà, Freire, Didi-Huberman and many Other theoretical intercessors who help us to give new meaning to the arts, communication and education in transdisciplinary, critical contexts and political. Based on the research method with everyday life, our objective is to seek protagonism, creativity and innovation in media appropriation, as forms of resistance and creation of pedagogies in networks.


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Author Biography

Cláudio Renato Zapalá Rabelo, DepCom-UFES

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Social Communication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) since 2016, where he leads the Creative Technologies Studies Laboratory. He also served as an adjunct professor, for four years, in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-RS), where he was Leader of the Center for Studies in Contemporary Advertising and New Media. Post-doctorate in Cultural Studies (PACC/UFRJ); PhD in Education (PPGE/UFES). Master in Literary Studies (UFES, 2005). Postgraduate in Marketing and Information Technology (UFES, 2001) and graduated in Social Communication /Hab. Advertising and Propaganda (UFES, 1999).


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How to Cite

Rabelo, C. R. Z. (2024). The Education as life skills: as costs enter art, communication and education. Farol, 19(29), 171–184.


