
how to build belonging





poetic processes, build, inhabit, belong, unfold


This text defends the principle of splitting between theoretical research and poetic research as part of the processes of building belonging. In this sense, I establish relationships between ideas from Boaventura de Souza Santos, Ailton Krenak and Daniel Munduruku and the Heideggerian sense of dwelling. Initially, I narrate theoretical-poetic processes that point to the constructive need, linked to everyday life, and the creation of memories as fundamental to inhabiting the world. From these theoretical-poetic experiences, I point to the urgency of belonging as a reaction to the permanent crisis, highlighted by climate chaos and the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Author Biography

Fabiana Pedroni, IA-UNESP/SEDU-ES

PhD in Arts at the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (IA-UNESP), Master of Science from the Postgraduate Program in Social History at the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Facilitator in the scholarship modality of the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp). She carries out research in the area of Art Education, on children's illustrated books and in the area of History of Images. She participates in the Study and Research Group on Image, History and Memory, Mediation, Art and Education (GPIHMAE-UNESP) and the Research Laboratory on Art Theories and Processes in Arts (LabArtes-UFES). She develops research and production in the area of contemporary art; Editor of the website Notamanuspiração.com; Artist, critic and literary artist working for the groups Coletivo Monográfica and NOTAmanuscript, with which she has produced texts, videos, performance actions and installations since 2012. Podcaster on the podcast Não Pod Tocar. He received the Bolsa Ateliê awards, from the State Secretariat for Culture of Espírito Santo, with the installation project "Ínfimos Corriqueiros - Pormenores Possessivos" (2012-2013) and the Scientific Initiation Award for Best Work in the Humanities Area (Human and Applied Social Sciences). , Linguistics, Letters and Arts) (UFES- 2010).


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How to Cite

Pedroni, F. (2024). Unfolding: how to build belonging. Farol, 19(29), 242–256. https://doi.org/10.47456/rf.v19i29.42942


