The tapuia (re)existence

we are goitacazes, botocudos, aymorés e puris




povos originários, arte contemporânea, decolonização


The decolonization is a social agenda. Every movement which keeps us (re)writing our history is urgent and necessary. The body and the spirit, tired of so many colonial years, have naturalized and do not always feel the effects of this barbarian crime. This article’s approach is about our native people’s micro history, reframing their way of life and their costumes. Successive lays of aggression lead us to realize how until this day this movement repeats itself when we dialogue with contemporary production of visual artist Felipe Lacerda.


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Author Biographies

Rosana Paste, DAV-UFES

She is an artist, researcher and professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. She holds a PhD from the postgraduate program in Education at the Center for Education at UFES Vitória ES, with the title "Artist-teacher: cartography and process" (2017). She has a master's degree from the postgraduate program in Education at UFES with the title "Creation process in Art: case study of the visual artist Nelson Leirner" (2010) and a degree in Visual Arts from the Center for Arts at UFES (1992).

Felipe Lacerda, UFES

Visual artist and undergraduate in Visual Arts at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). He conducts research that revolves around subjects whose social position (gender, sexual and racial) disobeys the heterocentric premises structured by cisgender logic, and the serpents that fork the tongue in the processes of affirmation and desire for life.


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How to Cite

Paste, R., & Lacerda, F. (2024). The tapuia (re)existence: we are goitacazes, botocudos, aymorés e puris. Farol, 20(31), 113–123.



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