Recife Frio

the Anthropocene in the light of a contemporary Brazilian film




Recife Frio, anthropocene, brazilian cinema, ecological crisis


This article aims to analyze the Brazilian film “Recife Frio”, by Kleber Mendonça Filho, from the perspective of climate change and its socio-environmental implications. Structured as a fake documentary, the short film inverts the temperature of Recife, provoking radical transformations in the sociability of the local population. Through a narrative that blends satire and reflection, the film addresses issues pertinent to the Anthropocene, such as the ecological crisis and environmental apartheid, highlighting the inequalities accentuated by climate change.


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Author Biography

Lucas Murari, UFRJ

Experimental film and avant-garde art researcher. PhD in Communication and Culture from the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a sandwich period at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (PDSE/CAPES scholarship). Master's degree from PPGCOM/UFRJ (2015). Bachelor's degree in Cinema and Video from the Faculty of Arts of Paraná. He is the executive editor of Eco-Pós Magazine (UFRJ). He has experience in the areas of Cinema, Communication and Arts.


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How to Cite

Murari, L. (2024). Recife Frio: the Anthropocene in the light of a contemporary Brazilian film. Farol, 20(31), 135–145.



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