Between walls and women

Kika Carvalho's art and feminine identity




arte contemporânea, grafite, mulheres, Kika Carvalho, identidade


This article analyzes Kika Carvalho's trajectory, exploring her daily life and the questions of identity that permeate her art and private life. Through her graffiti, Kika expresses the construction of a feminine identity, occupying a space historically dominated by men. The study seeks to highlight graffiti as a significant form of sociocultural expression, increasingly present in urban landscapes.


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Author Biographies

Ana Oliveira, DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte

She holds a degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and a PhD in Urban Studies from Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is currently an assistant researcher at DINÂMIA'CET. She is a book reviewer for the new DIY magazine, Alternative Cultures & Society (Sage) and executive editor of Todas as Artes - Luso-Brazilian Journal of Arts and Culture, and a member of the scientific and executive committees of the KISMIF International Conference. She is part of three prestigious scientific research networks on music and culture: International Association for the Study of Popular Music - Portugal (IASPM-PT), of which she is a founding member, Urban Music Studies, Todas as Artes, Todos os Nomes.

Hugo Bernardino Rodrigues, LEENA-UFES/FAPES

Hugo Bernardino Rodrigues is a visual artist and illustrator, with a postgraduate degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. He is currently a researcher at the LEENA laboratory and a FAPES scholarship holder, dedicating himself to developing projects that explore the intersection between art and research.

João Victor Silva Fernandes, LEENA-UFES

João Victor is a visual artist graduated from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) and holds a Master's degree from the same institution. He is a member of the Laboratory of Extension and Research in Arts, LEENA (UFES), where he works as a researcher and 3D modeler for the manufacture of Paradidactic Kits and board games with a focus on the miniaturization of Monuments and Public Works installed in the Capixaba soil.

Mariana de Araujo Reis Lima, LEENA-UFES

Graduated in Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo; Master in Arts from the Postgraduate Program in Arts of the same institution (PPGA/UFES). Researcher in creative processes in the visual arts at the Laboratory of Extension and Research in Arts - LEENA/UFES.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A., Rodrigues, H. B., Fernandes, J. V. S., & Lima, M. de A. R. (2024). Between walls and women: Kika Carvalho’s art and feminine identity. Farol, 20(31), 146–159.



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