Value, Economic Science and Historicity: an “archeological” approach . A preliminary approach

Um estudo preliminar




Historicity, Subtantial Hypothesis, Episteme


I intended to carry out an "archeology" of Economic Science  to highlight the different moments of construction of this Science. Within this perspective, I will study how, through the different paradigms present in Economic Science, the substantial hypothesis manifests itself; this hypothesis is based on the principle that economic goods, or commodities, have an intrinsic value.


In the first part, I will study the main schools of thought, their relations and their internal contradictions. In a second part, I will highlight the elements that make it possible to understand what the autonomization of Economic Science consists of, and why the substantial hypothesis implicitly appears . In a third part, I will show how the substantial hypothesis manifests itself through the different theoretical matrices


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Author Biography

Alain Herscovici, UFES

Full Professor,  Department of Economics and  Master’s Degree Program in Economics at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil,  Coordinator of the Study Group on Macroeconomics and the Study Group on Cultural and Information Economics, and Researcher CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).


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How to Cite

HERSCOVICI, Alain. Value, Economic Science and Historicity: an “archeological” approach . A preliminary approach: Um estudo preliminar. Geografares, Vitória, Brasil, n. 31, p. 86–113, 2020. DOI: 10.7147/geo.v1i31.32853. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.