The modern colonization of the tropics: geography and planning in the first half of the 20th century




history of geography, colonization, planning


To discuss the planned colonizing of tropical regions, we consider the approaches employed by particular geographers during the early 20th century, when geography was still a nascent discipline. The argument is presented in two sections. First, this paper will briefly examine how the colonization of territories that were considered vacant, particularly in tropical regions, became a relevant topic in a geography already preoccupied with global matters. Second, within the historical context of the 1950s, this study examines Brazilian geography's evaluation of territorial colonization policies implemented in the country at that time.


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Author Biography

Carlo Eugênio Nogueira, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Carlo Eugênio Nogueira (PhD in Geography [Human Geography], University of São Paulo) is a Professor of Geography in the Department of Geography and in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil. He has been carrying out research that relates the process of Brazil's territorial formation to the history of geographical thought since the mid-2000s, when he participated in the project "Historical Geography (Economic and Political) of Portuguese America in the First Decades of the 19th Century", coordinated by Professor Dr. Antônio Carlos Robert Moraes at the Political Geography Laboratory (GEOPO/DG/USP).

His research has always focused on the theme of frontiers, sometimes studying the process of formation of the Brazilian territory through the analysis of colonization and settlement policies in the transition from the 18th to the 19th century, sometimes appreciating the phenomenon of the expansion of pioneer fringes in the first half of the 20th century. He is currently a member of the research group Rede Brasilis - the Brazilian Network for the History of Geography and Historical Geography, leading research at the Laboratory of Regional History and Atlantic Connections (LACES/UFES), which aims at understanding the process of territorial formation of Espírito Santo at different historical moments. In detail, his most significant research projects are "Historical Geography of the lands of Espírito Santo: from the Colony to the Empire (1750-1850) (PRPPG/UFES 12164/2023)", which aims to develop a retrospective analysis centered on the territory in order to map, using geoprocessing, the geo-economic framework of Espírito Santo during this period, and "Geographical Thought and Territorial Formation in Espírito Santo: 20th Century" (PRPPG/UFES 8998/2018), which indends to evaluate the process of territorial formation in Espírito Santo throughout the 20th century, building an analysis that assesses the changes that occurred in the material geography of the state together with the interpretations elaborated on this same phenomenon.

Among his main publications, it is worth mentioning the chapter on "Antônio Carlos Robert Moraes (1954-2015)" written in 2022 for the renowned collection Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, the book "Ensaios de Geografia Histórica e História da Geografia", published in 2021, and the articles "Geografia Histórica de uma fronteira: a borda oeste da América Portuguesa (1700-1800)" and "Expedições geográficas e formação territorial no Espírito Santo (c. 1943)", published in 2020 in Boletim Gaúcho de Geografia and Terra Brasilis magazine, respectively.


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How to Cite

NOGUEIRA, Carlo. The modern colonization of the tropics: geography and planning in the first half of the 20th century. Geografares, Vitória, Brasil, v. 3, n. 37, p. 88–113, 2023. DOI: 10.47456/geo.v3i37.42336. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.